[h1]Volume 2[/h1] [url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/10866137_994823673871152_2477902113791167082_o.jpg]Cover Page[/url] [h2]The Story So Far[/h2] A return of the unknown enemy who claims themselves as Demon's Maw wrought havoc in Fiore and the return of Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet reigns the hope of light to our heroes. The S Class Camp is attacked by infamous 4 man group, Phoenix Fang of Ishvan, little is known about the guild nor their motive behind the scenes. Ajax prepares Aiden and Oriel for training as Magus Hunters but they don't have the discipline to prove themselves as Magus Hunters. After Gray gave everyone lectures; Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing party to their hearts content, giving a nostalgia that of the historical Fairy Tail Guild. Black Mamba trains Kyuuten and Trisana taking the new comer as his new disciple. Lunar Wolf stays lone wolves in the shadows as Lyon orders Lamia Scale and they finally arrive at Crocus to form an alliance with the Vyper Bolt and Harpy's Wing. [h3]Gray Fullbuster Gray vs Sable[/h3] [b]"This discussion is over"[/b] Sable just irritated him therefore freezing him instantly. A parallel of his Father, Silver played along with him like how it was when he froze Natsu solid. [b]"Don't ever mention that name."[/b] Sable is frozen by Gray's devil slaying ice. As stated, Gray's basic ice should melt but not the devil slayer ice. Gray grabs Caroline and told her to hurry up. [url= http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/009/8/a/silver2_by_ichigovizard96-d71i1nb.jpg]Striking Resemblance of Nostalgia[/url] [h3]Gwen[/h3] That caused a ruckus, [b]"Old man, why did you do that!"[/b] She charged blindly at Gray and exchanged blows with him; close combat is one sides, Gwen resorts to use ice. [b]"Ice Make: Cold Excalibur!"[/b] Gray catches the ice with his bare hands and ate it. [b]"Have you forgotten ice doesn't work on me? And to use my spell against me, you deserve my praise. I apologize but anything related about Natsu, I will not cater to it."[/b] He blatantly stated. [b]"One more thing. You're an Ice Mage, you can get your friend out by redirecting my ice, I'm sure you can figure that out."[/b] All up to Gwen to get Sable out of the ice. [b]-Some long conversation and flashbacks between Gray and Natsu, told by Gray to Gwen. Key Plot Point-[/b] Gray heard the word demons, [b]"Sorry, Caroline. I have to go."[/b] He turns to Yuu, Gwen, and Caroline. [b]"I hate to leave a girl crying, you guys can just follow."[/b] Gwen asked what about Sable. He carries the Ice Sculptured, Sable and unfroze him. [b]"Don't try something stupid again, you'll know someday."[/b] /Masters couldn't give a single care, they were all drunk and so does a handful of people. [b]"Anyone else wanna come?"[/b] Gwen asked, Master Jak said he wants to come. Gwen froze his head. [b]"That sounded wrong."[/b] Oh the IRONY. (@Lamia Scale Members, be sure to be at the front door, sorry for the inconvenience, I really have to time-skip it.) [h3]Alec[/h3] [b]"I heard those petty guilds are going on a mission, if it involves those idiots that got Julian. You guys join them, you'll find Julian."[/b] He orders Vanu, Oram, and Kuro to join the mission and head to Vyper Bolt guild.