to be honest I've stayed away from advanced rps so far because I don't have the patience to read through huge posts everyday, but with people saying that the posting rate is slower I think I might go and give it a try. right now I tend to hang out in the casual section, and it's a good fit but like I said I'm willing to go give advanced a try. However, what [@Miss Gallagher] mentioned about creating a world or whatever with other people-I find that I am only really comfortable doing that kind of stuff with friends and people I'm close with, and none of my friends from a different site use this website so yeah. Me and a close friend of mine are doing something that kind of reminds me of advanced roleplay actually, at least in the context of what Miss Gallagher said. Basically, this story thing [i]started out[/i] as a roleplay we made together on a different website. it didn't even start out as a forum roleplay actually, but that's not really the point. we made the plot, and we rp'd it for a while with our group of friends and the plot progressed pretty nicely. we didn't regularly rp every single day, it was more of when everyone was available and such. anyway, we've done a lot with the roleplay plot so far. well, this one day I had the thought to turn the roleplay into a story-like an actual book/novel type thing, not just a mere roleplay. what happened was both my friend and I listed out the plot that we had planned and everything, we both did a lot of character brainstorming based off characters that were actually in the roleplay and stuff like that. Right now we're doing the actual writing part-I write one chapter, she writes one chapter, and we alternate. But whenever my character from the original roleplay starts talking to my friend's in her chapter, she gets me on the google doc and I fill in the dialogue because i know my character the best, and vice versa, but we both control every single character in the story-it's just that we try to make sure what we are making the characters do fits what they're actually like. so would that be considered like 1x1 advanced rp, or collaborative writing, or both? sorry if that explanation was confusing lol