Hael had just finished watering a pretty little fern in the library when the sound of the front door opening caught her attention. She gripped the pitcher, tensing when she heard the shouts and curses of two foreign men. Zalek must have brought his work home with him. It was most likely to do with the slums, too. She snuck to the door and slowly cracked it open. Through the tiny crack, she could see the two large guards setting the two clearly upset men down. She remembered the first time that Zalek had brought one of his prisoner's home. The terrifying experience was one she did not want to remember. Especially since she was sure she would see the scene be repeated now. It wasn't going to be pleasant, but she had to watch and see what happens until her curiosity was sated. Hael gasped softly when the man dashed for the vase and dumped the contents, shutting the door just a little more so she wouldn't be seen. She watched intently, wondering what the man would do next. Surely the vase wouldn't be much help against Zalek or his two men. Hael watched as Srix approached, biting her lip nervously. She shook her head a little as the defensive man insulted Zalek. It was always a bad move to insult an elder. She didn't want these men to go through anymore pain than Zalek had planned for them already. She watched closely as Zalek transformed back into his usual shape. The frail, old man was now a powerful, dangerous one. She pitied the men. Their pain would come very soon. Zalek crossed the room swiftly and dealt with the men. Hael felt her heartbeat rise as the situation suddenly frightened her. She flinched when the man dropped the vase out of fright, listening to the crash and clatter of the fragile glass. She felt her stomach knot at the sound. Zalek would want her to clean it up as soon as possible, which meant that she would have to be around him when he was worked up. She never knew what to expect from him after he had treated other humans this way. Mostly he was collected, but predicting his attitudes and decisions was impossible. Hael shut the door as quietly as she could, resting her head against the wall next to it as she tried to calm her racing heart. She heard the grunts of the men outside, making her cringe in sympathy. She could only wait for Zalek to finish and carry them away to his private room. The grunts soon subsided, slowly turning into groans of pain. She let out a small breath of relief, glad that Zalek had finished teaching them some obedience. She pressed her back to the wall, hoping Zalek would send Srix or Dagon to fetch her after he was in his room with the prisoners. She took slow, deep breaths to calm herself down as she heard Dagon and Srix take them away. "Hael, come here, please," Zalek said, causing her to tense lightly. She swallowed and fixed her hair and dress, taking one last deep breath before she turned to the door. She slowly released the breath before opening the door. She stepped out of the room, walking quietly over to Zalek. "Yes, Sir?" Hael asked, glancing at the mess the man had made. She hoped this would be done quickly to spare her of any more nervousness.