Lesse see, where to go with Precipice of War... There was the time Chinese Agents provoked a riot against a pirate-Mercenary group on a French Pacific Island to give them cover to storm the flagship aircraft carrier of this PMC group as to capture a renegade Filipino priest who had titled himself the Pope of the East. Though they had to shoot him dead, but well after chewing the PMC company up with gun skillz. Then they hijacked the aircraft carrier and brought it home. Then there was the time Spanish special forces went out to kidnap a scientist who was responsible for making this universe's WMD (after the city of Seattle was gassed with it) by literally stealing the train car he was riding in. Like wise the same Spec Ops group hijacked a Ethiopian destroyer blocking the Suez Canal by doing a night-time air jump onto it. There's also the Armenians who fought a roughly five-year war against the Ottoman Empire and factored into its ultimate demise. In the twilight days of the Turkish authority in the region a Ethiopian spy basically sexed the Sultan to death (off-screen, in that time-skip we made when we jumped the RP to this forum). In Africa there's the Ethiopian commanded who goaded out a Congolese Anarchist to engage him prematurely by marching on his tribe, taking prisoner all of its children, and hacked off their left arms. This Anarchist was also a known cross dresser. He was later captured and beheaded, his head presented by the Emperor of Ethiopia to guests of a feast he was holding. There was also a time when the Ethiopian Emperor's brother, and former brother crashed an airplane because he was either have some good times with his female entourage and it spilled into the cockpit, or there was an alligator and he freaked out. The same guy would also try to escape Addis Adaba in a Burkha after forces loyal to his brother seized the capital. He was later captured and put under house arrest, but he escaped and later formed a blues-jazz band under a assumed identity. He pissed off a British criminal master mind in Egypt too, fled into Palestine and witnessed the collapse of Ottoman authority there, then moved to Armenia with his crew to perform music there and ended up getting shoehorned into running jobs for a local mob boss there. A aircraft-carrier turned party-barge was also involved too.