[h3]Ajax Thera - Council Member[/h3] The big man remained silent as the two mages described themselves. They didn't give much, understandably, but Ajax didn't complain. [b]"So fire and ice,"[/b] he spoke. [b]"There is probably a joke in that."[/b] His expression didn't change, despite having light-hearted words. Aiden and Oriel would likely get used to his seeming lack of emotions. [b]"But the two of you are both used to operating by yourselves. While that will become an expectation eventually you must be conditioned to work as a team. Though most of that will come from your team leader once he or she arrives."[/b] [b]"But I suppose I can tell you a little about myself since we will be training together for a while."[/b] Ajax took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After a few seconds he opened them again and began speaking. [b]"My name is Ajax Thera. You both know me as a member of the Magic Council, but I am also among the Wizard Saints. For this reason I am a commander in the Magus Hunters, as appointed by Jellal when the organization was first formed."[/b] He paused, taking a moment to look into their eyes individually. [b]"I'm sure you will learn more about me in due time. Feel free to ask questions. Now is the time, for when we arrive I will not be fielding any."[/b] [h3]Hana Oshiro - [color=deeppink]The Last Samurai[/color][/h3] As soon as the train arrived in Crocus, Sage was already taking off. Again. [b]"I think we should be sticking together..."[/b] Hana lamented, though she didn't hardly attempt to stop him. She never liked restraining people, so letting him run his errand (she assumed) would be much simpler. The rain was surprising, but Hana wasn't totally unprepared. After rummaging through the large, pink suitcase she brought along she managed to withdraw a small umbrella. [b]"So let's go to their guild hall. I've heard Harpy's Wing and Vyper Bolt are sharing a guild hall right now. They must be really cooperative."[/b]