The Hero Alexandier had not forgotten some of his heroic ways, as he had spoken before the child the weird grasshopper was talking as he just listened to their conversation which was something he was doing to kill time. He also had no intention of fighting children although to be honest he deep down felt witches were monsters and should have never been in this world. Also witches were not really bound by a code of honor so to speak. However he knew that witches had a sense of sisterhood as it hurt him to believe the grasshopper could be female. He nearly wanted to laugh at the grasshopper pointing her swords towards him, he found this funny, amusing and also a bit insulting at the same time. He then began thinking the grasshopper must just be really stupid, he then watched the grasshopper hop on a purple turtle disk and off she went. He had too much confusion going on right now as he could not make sense of why the bug was even here to begin with. He decided to ignore it and looked over to his little witch even though she was not really little, his mind was getting a bit delusional so he was not paying attention correctly. She asked him to make her leave as he sighed deep down inside as he was honorable enough to face all opponents equally, unless he was bored. She raised her wand as he raised his sword in response to her attack. He noticed a purple energy as he focused his holy aura, in order to hunt down demons he had to fight witches who allied with demons as well. In order to deal with most short cast magic he had to be able to use the Holy Armor ability which was one of the Holy magics taught to paladins. He was talented and did learn it in secret however it was not like he would need it as the speed of him slashing a sword at her wand would most likely be faster. However he wanted to take her seriously incase she tried to use a Gust of Wind type of magic to stop him. He did not wish to kill her at this stage, he just felt like disabling her and making her leave, would she dodge and save her wand within that short time or would she be left wandless. Though he was not sure if this was her real weapon as many witches he faught used staves and magical orbs. Meanwhile in another battle the Flaming Mess that was charging towards them evaded her ice blast which had overwhelmed the fires and went making a straight line blasting of ice which was heading straight for the slow guy with the large shield. However the fire mage had appeared to her side as it disrupted her the aim would just pass next to the guy with the huge shield leaving the two most likely with a very cold chilling wind passing over them as it would crash into the wall at the back. She was an elf who had mastered elemental magic, but she was not used to fighting that much anymore and had slacked off a bit. Before she would have been able to blast the ice and pull it back at the same time, but she had not warmed up as she looked to the mage firing his fireball straight at her. The air around her began to change fast as she countered the mage's fireball with her own fireball as the clash caused fire to clash and fall on the ground most likely as she would now keep her focus on the mage. "My name is Shi-anna, could we have a break and talk i really do not want to get sweaty right now and girls like us should not fight anyways. We should let the guys fight and go for some relaxing time in a spa, what do you say i make the water and you bring on the fire". As she began flirting with the fire mage out of boredom and out of the fact that she really did not want to risk any more fire magic going off as they were nearing her master. Meanwhile the DemonBeast Riktor had his wish as the Amazon woman had charged straight for him with her broadsword as he smiled and stood up as the Demonlord's arms acted on reflex and hug tightly onto the neck of the demon beast also gripping onto some of the hair which there was a lot of. As the slash was coming the DemonBeast was smiling as he brought out his own sword which was gigantic just like him as he aimed to match her slash with an equally powerful slash as he pressed down with his right foot adding more weight to his slash as the battle of titans would begin. Meanwhile the demonlord was resting in a half-dazed sleep as he just opened his eyes every once in a while due to the heat stirring him a little bit. The Demon Beast was smiling and soon things would change as the force of these two would be unpredictable except that it was highly anticipated the ground would shake in this first attack.