See....thats why I mentioned it earlier, I wait until most people have posted before me so im not constantly having to readjust my post or accidentally causing others to have to do the same. I wasn't necessarily thinking of a posting order, but I think people who are posting back to back in quick succession need to slow it down to give others a chance to react to the situation also. Furthermore, about the whole, knowing they are zombies and calling them zombies thing...I think like Silverlight said, it is somewhat subject, but if you read my post, Ben called one of them a "Growler", well, basically because it growls. I don't think the concept of zombie even came to him or he may not "know" about it, but also...another character(i cant remember) in another post prior, said that the situation was like dawn of the dead. So it just goes to show right there. Two different characters, with two different interpretations about the zombies.