With some measure of hesitancy Li had decided to answer the summons of the mysterious letter he'd received earlier that day. It was not his normal method to partake of such dalliances, after all, there was always plenty of work to be done. Still, he was suitable ahead in his studies and secure in the knowledge that there were no pressing matters that at the current time were in need of his attention. Therefore the boy settled on visiting the hill more out of a desire to expend time than any real interest in what might be occurring there. Upon arriving at the outskirts of the area his expectations were already dropping. What was this, some gathering of middle-school drop-outs? Sure, perhaps his arrogant attitude precluded the ability to see the vast depths of personal worth in others, but still, it was fact that those assembled on the hill formed a mighty motley crew. For a moment the asian hesitated; was it really worth the curiosity? After all, he might actually have to talk to some of these plebeians? It was only after Li caught sight of the angelic figure that he made a firm decision. That sight finally peaked his attention enough to investigate fully. As the boy approached his manner of dress became more apparent. Li was clad in some kind of cadet dress uniform, military design clothing that was more for the purpose of everyday wear than combat use. Along his lower sleeves two gold bands signified his academic status, circular garrison cover completing the uniform. "Well, if it isn't the super squad?" His tone of voice was dripping with contempt, obviously he felt superior to the rest of the assembled peoples.