Took a little bit longer than I'd like. Here's my Char. [b]Name:[/b] Zachary 'Crash' Smith [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Nationality:[/b] German (Born in Canada) [b]Rank:[/b] Sergeant [b]Special Training:[/b] Spec-Ops training, explosives training, demolition training [b]Gear:[/b] [list] [*][b]RLC.48 (Rapid Laser Carbine):[/b] A rifle designed to chew through lightly armored targets or enemy cover within medium to close range, the RLC.48 is designed to be both a point-man's weapon as well as a support weapon. With two dials changing the fire-rate/strength of shots, it can suppress enemies behind cover or accurately pick off targets in cover when flanking. It's a compact and light weapon, makes it ideal when a trooper needs to be on the move or silently sneak behind enemy lines. (Note: RLC.48 can alter it's 'noise level' when affecting it's strength/fire-rate. Meaning, lower strength &/or fire-rate, more silent but less deadly weapon.) [*][b]LMIS (Light Mobile Infantry Suit):[/b] The LMIS (or Limis by most troops) is a suit designed to be used by hit-and-run units. While it's light armor can't protect much of the wearer from any medium or heavy hits, it can take a few glancing shots. However, this suit relies on the user being able to avoid enemy fire by either consistently moving or hiding behind cover. The suit comes with it's own pair of gravity-boots, a standard HUD, a grappling hook, a simple boost-pack (small silent gas burst can extend a jump, only useable every few minutes) and it doubles the strength of the user. [*][b]Desert Eagle:[/b] A classic weapon, using .50 cal bullets it can punch through most types of armor. Mostly used as a armor-eating side-arm. (Zach uses it as his backup weapon.) [/list] [b]Where were you when the Visitor Appeared?:[/b] Was preparing for an op in taking out an oil-rig out in Russian territory. The mission was canceled, due to it's low priority, when the fleets in orbit were destroyed. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'6" in hieght, moderate build [hider][img][/img][/hider]