Hunter watched as he walked away before shaking his head once the man left. He used his magic once again to cover himself in shadows in order to keep hidden. He then continued his search for the Dino-boy(aka Arin). He went inside and stayed near the walls for a bit. _________________________________________ Evan turned his attention back to his students. "Now, where were we?" He asked before answering his own question. "Right." He handed out some paper to each of the students. "Today, you can just draw whatever you want. " He would've had them do something more productive if it weren't for the janitor's interruption earlier. "Make sure it's decent, though." Arin pulled out a pencil and looked at the paper, thinking of what to draw. Once he got an idea in his head, he put the pencil to the paper and began drawing. Price began drawing himself on the paper as well as his neko-friend. He wanted to show the good times they had. Juno decided to draw his cat form which was a grey tabby that looked like a kitten. ______________________________________________________ [b]In English[/b] (User did this one, but not sure where he is) Ace leaned back in his seat as he waited for teacher to start the class. He decided to talk up a storm for a bit until the bell(not yet) would ring.