Name: Violca Player:Demonreach666 Chronicle: Nature: Survivalist Demeanor: Celebrant Concept:Wandering Gypsy Clan:Ravnos Generation:7th Sire: [hider=Attributes] Strength:2 Dexterity:5 Stamina:2 Charisma:2 Manipulation:5 Appearance:3 Perception:3 Intelligence:2 Wits:2 Talents Dodge:5 Athletics:2 Alertness:1 Subterfuge:1 Skills Archery:5 Melee:4 Stealth:3 Survival:2 Knowledge Occult:3 Linguistics:2 Disciplines Chimerstry:3 obfuscate:1 Backgrounds Virtues Conviction:3 Instinct:3 Courage:4 Willpower: Road:4 Bloodpool: 40/4[/hider] [hider=What was your mortal life like?] Born in 1049 before Rome’s fall, she was raised on the outskirts of the empire. She live a relatively peaceful life, that is until her 7 birthday. German barbarians flooded out from the forest ransacking the village, killing and raping all they came across. Violca was lucky however, her mother hid her away in their barn before she could be found. Her mother was not so lucky, and was cut down before her eyes. After 3 days the Germans moved on, leaving the village for fresh prey. When Violca emerged from what was left of the barn the sight would have made her puke if she had anything in her stomach to throw up. There were corpses strewn about, huts burned to the ground as well as some people. Having nowhere to go, and no idea what to do she simply went to the center of the village and sat. For the next couple days she scavenged what she could, barely surviving on the scraps left behind. Before things became too desperate she was discovered. Whether it was divine intervention, or more likely with the nature of her saviors, the devils luck a group of wanderers came across her. She was taken into their family quite easily, there was no fuss or argueing amongst themselves, they seemed to have a consensus. After all one more sheep cannot hurt. She and several other children were raised, and it appeared she had reclaimed her peace. That life continued until she was the age of 20, and then everything changed. Unable to sleep she left her carriage in search of the warmth of the fire. As she was staring into its light she heard a noise come from one of the carriages. When she opened the door she almost couldn’t believe what she had witnessed. The leader of these wanderers, a woman by the name of jasmine appeared to be sucking on one of the younger children’s neck. Instead of screaming in terror, or trying to sneak back out Violca had a strange calm come over her. She stepped into the room, and closed the door behind her and waited for Jasmine to finish. It was that night everything changed, when she was told of her new family’s nature, and what else was out in the world. And then she was given a choice, either join her family permanently, or leave the safety their group provided. Violca choose safety and family over the unknown, and swore herself to protect the family for Jasmine. And so she became the daytime guardian for the group of Ravnos that took here in. That night she started feeding on their blood, stopping the aging process. It wasn’t until almost 73 years until she was given the gift of the embrace. While camping outside the city of Constantinople 1203 the fourth crusade struck a blow and took Constantinople, along with her new family. Once again the only survivor Violca wandered, participating in any battle she saw fit, keeping her blade sharp for the time she once again found one she felt the need to protect. She ended up in Transylvania, during the last years of the Omen wars. She found a fellow vampire she felt was worthy of her protection, and his history and presence at Constantinople struck a cord with her. She was now in the employ of a Nosferatu named Zazriel.[/hider] [hider=When did you first meet a canite? /who is your sire?] Technically at the age of seven, when she was adopted by Jasmine and her wandering tribe. She only discovered their true nature and the world of darkness after she turned 20 years old and was turned into their daylight guardian. She was eventually being converted to full vampirism by Jasmine herself.[/hider] [hider=How do you feel about mortals?] Weak creatures to be sure, but shouldn’t be underestimated. Even the weakest beast when cornered can have sharp fangs and claws.[/hider] [hider=Where is your domain?] A wanderer, Violca does not have any specific domain, and takes the bare minimum to survive. Now that she is in the employ of Zazriel and in turn Tzimisce, she takes from the area she is provided from.[/hider] [hider=What drives you?] The will to survive, but also the thrill of battle. While she was her clans guardian she grew fond of battle, but at the core of it all the need to protect those she calls family.[/hider]