Your faith is more important than your religion, your church, your neighbors, or your pastor. [i]What you personally think and believe is all that matters.[/i] Follow that. Fun christian fact -- pretty much every major person throughout scripture (Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, the apostle Paul, and more) went through a period of 'wandering in the wilderness' or however they phrase it for each particular story. They left the church/synagogues, went out on their own, and figured out their own shit. Then when they shared what they'd figured out with the religious establishment, they changed everything. So don't spend a minute worrying if the church would scold you for thinking something new and different. The church doesn't matter. They shouldn't be controlling your thoughts and opinions anyway, and least of all your sense of humor -- jesus, can you imagine a world where lutherans were in charge of comedy?