[h3]Kusime Institute[/h3] [center]Keiji would lean against one of the walls from the school building he was at. Barely managing to hold his eyes open, making him narrow his eyes as some of the rays of sun would shine brightly on him. A hiss would escape from his mouth because he was not too much of a fan of the sun. He preferred the snow more where everything was covered into a pure white coat. It was beautiful to say the least about it. Some students would pass him by as their classes would start, and he was about to too until he spotted a paper hanging on the wall which said that his professor was not coming today. Instead of calling him in advance, he needed to go all the way here just to read that silly little thing to just return back home. Letting out a sigh before he decided to just go to the meat restaurant that he had heard about before. He did not really like going to such places but it was not that bad either as it could be enjoyable from time to time. A smile appearing on his lips as he would thought about some meat that was edible for him which meant that he did not have to go hunt for himself. Blame the lazy side of him, but he really liked the food being made for him. Or in his case being caught. With smooth footsteps he would make his way towards the restaurant where he would spend some time of his day. Though it made him wonder what kind of people would be in that shop as it was everywhere something else. [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/5akyeu.jpg[/IMG][/center]