Xander Chaser Inventory: N/A --- Xander turned around and sneered at the asian military boy, he bared his teeth at this taunt made towards all of them. Xander heard his tone, he despised people like these and replied with a similar superior-esque tone, facing and staring at Li directly into his eyes. "Well then, seems someone escaped communist camp, eh? Military....oh, my mistake seems someone loves the red stars." Xander said with a chuckle, looking at the arrogant boy before him. He was quite aware of the legal power that this boy held, but he didn't care. The boy probably had some sort of military combat training as well, though he wasn't sure, though, he merely looked at him and awaited any sort of hostile actions towarsds him. He folded his arm, his left over his right as the left hand wrapped around his right bicep.