Darren awoke on top of a rooftop in the morning, opening one eye after the other. Being used to his way of life, he had been used to sleeping under the stars. "Hmph..." He said to himself, "Another day..." he yawned, stretching his arms, "another job." Darren stood up and nimbly crept down the side of the house he was sleeping on, careful not to awake its' residents inside. Darren strolled down the street under the morning light, heading left and to the market. There he would await contacts to give him a task with pay, at least... he would until he noticed something very peculiar caught his searching eye where it looked like a girl (Clarity) had stuffed something into her pack. Actually, it looked like nothing at first, something Darren decided would be fun to investigate. Darren looked for a stall that was unoccupied so he could reach the roofs again. The stall he found was a small stall lined with fine jewellery along the front with it's owner turned away. The Order he trained under taught not to steal something he cannot prove was someone else's before so Darren averted his eyes and clambered on top of the stall, before jumping and cat grabbing the edge of the roof. He pulled himself up and tailed the girl from above, jumping from house to house until he thought it was safe to follow her on ground, right to the barn.