[center][h2]Herculean Academy: The Top School For Aspiring Superheroes[/h2][/center] [center]"The measure of a man is what he does with power." [i]- Plato[/i][/center] [hr] [hr] YOU are a normal teenager. Well, [i]almost[/i] normal. You go to school, you takes your classes, you wish the teachers would give you less homework. Maybe you have friends, maybe a large group or only a couple. Maybe you're a loner. Maybe you're the top student, somewhat a teacher's pet who gets bullied for being a 'know-it-all'. Or maybe you [i]are[/i] a bully, a delinquent who has been to the detention room so often, you pretty much have a seat with your name on it. Either way, you're still pretty much an [i]almost[/i] teenager. An [i]almost[/i] normal teenager who has superpowers. You have superpowers. When you were nine, you may accidentally have accidentally frozen your neighbour's annoying terrier when you were simply trying to shoo it away. Or maybe you have super-strength, and when you angrily slammed the door to your room when you were just thirteen, you took the door right off. Maybe when you were on the run from a group of bullies and wished desperately that you could just disappear... you [i]did[/i]. You literally became invisible. Maybe you were shocked when this happened. Or maybe you weren't. Because you have superpowers, it's very likely to inherited them from your parents, who might actually be superheroes. Or villains. Or both. It's likely you know about this, unless your parents have been trying to protect you this entire time and have kept their identity so secret that even you, their own child, don't know. Or maybe your parents are Average Joes and Josephines who simply carried a superpower gene. Or maybe you're adopted, secretly or otherwise. Of course, you may not have been born with powers at all, but gained them through some scientific accident. Or maybe you gained them from magic. Maybe you don't have powers at all, but have some kind of object that gives you special powers. Or maybe you were one of the many children who were kidnapped to be used in the illegal Esper program and were rescued by one of the many superheroes. Either way, you have powers. You may be scared, or confused, or maybe excited. And then you receive a mysterious letter: "[i]Dear _____[/i], [i]it has come to our attention that you have a gift. You might have known it for a long time, or maybe just realised. Whatever the case, you probably are uncertain as to what to do with your power.[/i] [i]This why we are inviting you to come join Herculean Academy, a boarding school built to house unique individuals such as yourself them and teach them how to control their powers and how to use them for good, and not evil. You have likely heard of the Elite, the most powerful group of superheroes in New York? Well, we trained them.[/i] [i]Well, some of them.[/i] [i]But we have trained many other superheroes, taught them to use their powers, helped them establish an identity and put them to work in a position that best suited their powers. Some of them went on to be solo heroes, others were part of group. Some may have been put up as a support team for another hero due to the fact that their powers may not have been, let's say, [/i]combat orientated[i].[/i] [i]But we have done our best for them and we will do our best for YOU.[/i] [i]If you wish to attend, please show this letter to your parent and/or guardian, who we hope knows of your powers. If not, you might want to have long, quiet chat with them. Once you've got that awkward situation out of the way, please fill in the attached form and send it to us at the return addressed.[/i] [i]Yours faithfully[/i] [i]Vice-Principal Smith[/i]" [s]Perhaps I had a little too much fun writing this prologue.[/s] [hr] [hider=Rules] 1. You may play up to two characters. However one must be a teacher/staff member and the other must be a student. You can't have two of the same. 2. While I would like a variety of powers, you may have up to three characters who's powers are similar. For example, three animal shape-shifters. However, while they may be all animal shape-shifters, their powers must have differences as well so they are still unique. In the case our shape-shifters, one can turn only into birds, another can only turn into small mammals, no bigger than a rabbit, and the third can only turn into various species of dog. 3. Please try and keep characters from getting overpowered, at least to begin with. They might get stronger as the roleplay goes on, however, maybe even discovering extra powers. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 4. While I do expect to see the common powers such as super-strength, super-speed and various elemental abilities, I'd like to also see some more unusual powers because, let's be honest, slightly strange and obscure powers can be a lot of fun. Be creative, have fun with it. 5. No powerless Batman-esq vigilantes. At least, not for now. I might bring in a storyline about vigilantes later on, who knows. 6. To show you've read the rules, write 'Daredevil' somewhere in your CS. 7. I'm allowing both supernatural and sci-fi superheroes. If you want your character to be a young Doctor Strange, go for it! It will make this roleplay even more fun. 8. While drama is all cool in IC, I'd like there to be none (or next to none) in the OOC. I want us to all get along. I might even set up a Chatzy so we can all get to know each other a little better as I've found that a roleplay remains going if we all get on with each other. 9. I am the GM and Rune_Alchemist and Nightmare Bunny are my Co-GMs. I would like to respect our authority. If you are doing something against these rules or making things uncomfortable for a number of players, I, Rune or Bunny will give you a warning and ask you to stop. If you continue to cause trouble, however, we'll have to ask you to leave. 10. Keep this PG-13, please. Mild swearing is aloud and mild swearing, but no sexual content. 11. If you are planning on dropping out, [i]please[/i] tell me. I know it's not always nice to tell someone you're quitting their game, but I promise I won't get mad at you. I might be a little sad, especially if I've particularly enjoyed being part of this roleplay with you, but I'll understand. Sometimes, you have other priorities or too many RPs to keep track of. Either way, I'll understand. And if you're too busy at this moment but want to return later on when you're a little more freed up, don't be afraid to ask. I'll definitely let you return whenever you're ready. 12. After writing your CS, don't immediately post it in the character section. Send it to me first veer PM. If I approve it, you may put it in the Character section. If I ask you to change something, please respect my decision. It will most likely be a minor thing, anyhow. 13. While this roleplay will have it's serious moments and I expect characters to grow, it will be mostly light, fun and slice-of-life based, at least to begin with. Maybe when one of the numerous subplots I have planned get rolling, it might become more serious. Still, I want this to be a quite fun game. And that being said... 14. ... have fun! I made this game for people to enjoy. [/hider] [hider=The Cast] Note: those who have their names crossed out have either formally left this roleplay or have no posted in so long I have assumed they're gone. If your name has been crossed off but you are still a part of this roleplay - just very busy - please inform me immediately. [u][b]Students[/b][/u] Cheol Akiyama, a.k.a. Yuugure (played by XxFellsingxX) Jack Kyle, a.k.a. Kid Hermes (played by Avanhelsing) Paolo "Paul" Marchelo Ray a.k.a. Dominus Terrae (played by Vec) Alexis Sinclair, a.k.a. Audiophile (played by Rune_Alchemist) Aspen Archer (played by Classified) Graham Gavin Turner (played by Ogobrogo) [s]Abdul Al-Zahred, a.k.a. Jinni, the Firemind (played by Dead Cruiser)[/s] [s]Tony Hart, a.k.a. Techno (played by DaDrummer676)[/s] [s]Lukas Holt, a.k.a. Empyrean (played by Art Of Fun)[/s] [s]Brett Faulkner, a.k.a. Prima Donna (played by Fabricant451)[/s] Olivia Octavia Delacroix, a.k.a. Stellar/Starshine (played by NarcissisticPotato) Scorpios McRae, a.k.a. Fangsong (played by IrishAngelQueen) Sam Damon, a.k.a. Hellmouth (played by Weird Tales) Kitty Lee (played by Nightmare Bunny) Anastasia Tepes (played by Zoldyck) Deia Ticy, a.k.a. Deity-class (played by TheHangedMan) [u][b]Teachers[/b][/u] [b]Principal:[/b] ??? [b]Vice-Principal:[/b] Marina Schmidt/Nina Smith, a.k.a. Mystic Magus (played by XxFellsingxX) [s][b]Manipulation Teacher:[/b] Jay Scott, a.k.a. Candle Light (played by cnash13030)[/s] [b]Biology Teacher:[/b] Beiq'irq/Meredith Hillard (played by Rune_Alchemist) [b]Physical Training Teacher:[/b] Isaac Archer, a.k.a. The Interceptor (played by Classified) [b]School Nurse:[/b] Dorian Lost, a.k.a. Anesthesia (played by Nightmare Bunny) [b]English Teacher:[/b] Reginald Wagner (played by Ogobrogo)[/hider] I'll put the Character Sheet template and my own examples up in the Character section soon.