Jackson barely noticed that the rift had bee sealed, he was so absorbed in the task of fighting off the demons from attacking the innocent bystanders, An earth demon was going after a young girl, only to be flung up high into the sealing, then slammed down with twice as much force into the ground, soon it's body began to jerk around violently as a barrage of invisible blades began to repeatedly and forcefully stab into it. A smoke demon approached Jackson from the left, but he created a telekinetic sphere around it,, condensing it to the size of a marble, then blasted against a far wall with great force, causing it to crack around the area of impact. JAckson would continue on in this way, decimating the solid demons and containing the smoke ones, until there were no more around. He wasn't sure if he had taken care of them all, or not, but he sat down in a chair with a sigh, tired and exhausted from the effort. The smoke demons were fighting the bonds of his mental prisons, and he'd only be able to hold them back for so long.