Takeshi was torn between wanting to help Shu and making him help himself; either way it wasn't going to be easy, but they couldn't keep just bouncing between the two. Sooner or later Shu did need to be come self-sufficient, unless the older boy was okay with having to watch over his brother for their entire lives. Much as he loved the little guy that wasn't going to happen, he needed his space now and again. Smiling back at Shu sympathetically he set his brother down, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a thumbs up. "Hey, I was a follower too. I used to follow my master everywhere, and after that I followed some other people for a bit too. Eventually you just get tired of being a follower though, you know? You just got to decide to start and that's it. I'll help ya, but I can't make you do it on your own, get it?" Everyone else could pitch in too whenever they had the chance, the more support Shu had for this the better. And who knows, maybe being more capable by himself would help him deal with his issues a little. Though they still did need to talk to Vegeta, something that Takeshi still had yet to do today. Maybe if they got a free moment while here at the palace he could slip away and try calling in, see if the guy had a minute to do some work for them. Talking with the guards was a bit awkward, though Menma knew they would be this rigid from the get-go. Off duty this pair were friendly and fun to chat with, he'd had many evenings down at one of the local bars drinking fermented honey with them, a fact they likely wanted to be kept secret in front of visitors. While on the job however they could be real sticks in the mud, taking their posts a little too seriously. Smiling nonetheless as the pair opened up the doors he ushered everyone inside, following alongside T'charrl on the way in. Looking up at the Prince curiously he chuckled sheepishly, giving a shrug of his shoulders before turning and watching the doors close again. "The King is plenty friendly, but they're just serious about their job, that's all. I promise that's going to be the most unpleasant experience you'll have while here. And we do have visitors occasionally, but not that often to say its regular. He always remains polite to guests though, even ones who don't show it back, so you'll be just fine!" People sure were on point today with seeing to guests, as in no time at all they were quickly confronted by one of the King's aides... Or rather, a pair of aides. Twins by the looks of them, young girls if Takeshi was guessing right. Definitely ladies, he'd managed to sort out the whole gender difference at this point to know that much. Both were wearing some colorful gowns and had a sort of tiara or some such on their heads, gods know why. By some standards they might be pretty, though he was having issue getting past the whole their being insects part to appreciate anything about them. Smiling slightly it was his turn to get behind his brother, shuffling over to Shu some and putting a hand on his shoulder. "So this is a little weird... Just two twins popping out of nowhere..." he whispered, squirming slightly as he saw their antennae twitch. He was fine with everything while they were moving about, but now that they were at a standstill and in the thick of things he was acutely aware of what kind of people were here. "Hi there people, you must be the Prince and his friends!" the girl on the left said, smiling brightly as she stood on one foot and stretched an arm into the air. "We're Seeta and Reeta, and we're here to welcome you to the palace!" the other girl added, copying her sister as they held each other's hands for support. Then, in unison they both said, "We hope you'll enjoy your time here!" Menma smiled amused at the pair of twins, though not necessarily because of their antics. Behind them a third Kaesstrian had come along, one who was fairly tall and thin. Looming over the twins he cleared his throat, startling both as they jumped a little before looking behind them. "I think your father is going to take it from here, girls." "I am, thank you girls. Go on back to playing," the man said, smiling amused as both girls pouted, "You don't want my job anyways, you never get to play with dolls and you can't wear whatever clothes you want. It would be so disappointing. now go on, go play." Chuckling as they each hugged one of his legs before running off the Kaesstrian smiled at the group, placing one hand over his chest as he bowed to them politely. "Sorry about that, they love meeting new people. My name is Pyrus, and I'll be helping you around the palace during your stay. I hope getting here wasn't too much trouble?"