Well here goes nothing [hider=The cursed swordsman] Appearance:[img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2015/054/5/b/cursed_knight_by_eemeling-d8ixhqw.jpg[/img] Height:6'2 (if he stood up straight) 5'9 in appearance Weight:237 lb. Hair color:Black Eye color:Red Name:The cursed swordsman (Gilligan to those who ask for a name) Age:? History:Though not a well known tale, there have long been rumours of a terrible specter in the west of the Imperium. Tales of a knight, hunched in rusting armor and draped in a tattered and dirty white cloak, haunts the Rivenwood. Rumors and speculation abound the mysterious specter, some say he is a demon, sent to harass the good and innocent, others claim he is a spirit of vengeance sent to punish the guilty and cruel, others say he is the ghost of a traitorous knight, who must atone for his sins with an eternity to wander the lands. This last one, is closest to the truth. Now he searches for the legend relics... for perhaps they can ease his suffering Personality:Gilligan is solemn and somber, an eternity of wandering has jaded him, and he seeks only salvation now. His mind has begun to fade... slowly with old memories gone or growing fuzzy in his mind, his solitude becoming his undoing. Though largely quiet, he can become a steadfast ally and friend... Despite his curse Weapons [u]Rotted great sword[/u] A truly ancient blade, which appears to be dull and worthless. In spite of its appearance the blade is very dangerous, reathed in dark ether, its dark energy affects more than just the physical being and can even cleave the soul in twain Abilities (Magic) Spectral gaze:A cold, dead stare, with the power of the grave behind it. The weak willed are paralyzed with fear, or run from his terrible visage, even those with strong minds become deeply disturbed. Penitent spectre:Gilligan exist in both the physical world as well as the invisible realm of spirits, both of which he observes in tandem. This means that physical attacks as well as any magic or attacks from spirits effect him. However, it also means he can likewise interact with incorporeal beings just as he would a physical person. Strength of the dead:Far stronger than the average human, as this mortal coil no longer contains his strength. Also, for a short time he can will his limbs to move faster, overcoming his normally slow and clumsy gait, however temporary the ability is. Life hunt:His most powerful magical ability, this intensely draining and difficult power allows Gilligan to drain power from his targets soul, to temporarily boost his own abilities while weakening his opponent. He can only hold onto to the power for as long as he can will it to remain tethered to his own soul, after which the energy dissipates into the void. Other Veil of the curse This invisible magical force is a primary effect of his curse. It intercepts any words the cursed man speaks and tinges them with the vile sound of lies and treachery. This leads virtually all people to distrust him, all but a few. Oddly, a small number of people do not perceive the veil, and here the poor man's words for how he truly intended them. Rather than a vile traitorous ghost these people see the proud, and remorseful knight underneath the curse... a man simply trying to atone for his sins. These people are rare though, and none are sure of why they do not perceive the veil. The cursed wound Gilligan's left arm hangs, shattered and useless under his tattered cloak until it is disturbed. Broken when he was cursed, the wound can never heal, and the bones shall never set. However, through titanic effort, he can force the arm to move (it is the arm he must use for life drain, contributing to the abilities difficulty) with his ghostly soul. For most of tge time however, it hangs, hidden and broken, like the Knights on pain and pride [/hider]