[b][u]Gavin Ashcroft[/u][/b] It seemed odd to Gavin that, in a town full of superheroes, there'd be so little to do. He walked along, hands jammed deep into his pockets, as he mused about his less-than-stellar superhero career thus far. True, he hadn't been in New York long, but with everything that Curdun Cay had forced down his throat during his tenure there, he thought he'd be tangling with Reapers from the moment he'd stepped off the bus. But no- the best he'd done so far was Employee of the Month at the call center where he worked. Not exactly stellar for a budding super. [i]It's not exactly my fault, though. I'm still new to the city, and so by the time I figure out anything's going on and make it to the scene, it's pretty much cleared up by the time I get there.[/i] He sighed, a few sparks escaping from his lips as a sign of his frustration. [i]But still- the lack of stimulation is becoming... annoying. Come on, a sign, a hint, anything! All I need is one good lead--[/i] His monologue broke off as a man suddenly landed on the sidewalk some distance ahead of him, flaring jets of steam from his hands to break his fall. Instantly Gavin's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he stopped, watching as the Conduit looked around frantically- and too quickly, as Gavin seemed to escape his notice- and started walking quickly to a nearby coffee shop. Interest now fully piqued, Gavin started to (hopefully) discreetly follow the young steam Conduit, offering a quick prayer of thanksgiving for this lucky break. [i]Perhaps I have found my first foray into heroism...?[/i] He almost shivered in anticipation at that thought.