[hider=Miriam Grant] [b]NAME:[/b] Miriam A. Grant [b]AGE:[/b] 17 [b]GENDER:[/b] Female [b]ZONE:[/b] Zone One [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] She is smart, first off. Unfortunately she uses this intellect to be literally the meanest, most sarcastic fuck you will ever meet. I am not kidding when I say she will go out of her way to screw with you or make an ass out of you if she is given the opportunity. She’s got a lot of spunk to her if you’re into that. In the ZONE she will use her attractiveness as a play and will flirt with the males to get them to do her bidding, she will make you her bitch. Pancreatic cancer might be holding her back but she’d be beating heads in with the wheelchair if she could. She has an anger issue to her personality and will often get frustrated quickly with people who are incapable of doing what she thinks are simple tasks. Even if it’s unreasonable or unrealistic for you to know them she will hold you to a higher standard than what you hold yourself to. While she might be mean, and sassy, and clever at your expense and while she might even come off as a bully or manipulative (which she is), she does care about those around her, at least to a degree. She will bite the bullet for literally anyone else if it meant keeping them alive. Not because she knows she’s going to die in six months anyway (although that does give her one more excuse), but because she legitimately cares about everyone in some way or another. [b]HISTORY:[/b] "Dont act like you know me. You dont. All you need to know is that I was diagnosed with cancer and the only reason I'm alive is because my father is loaded and got me the best care possible. Now I’m here in this shithole with you shitstains." [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [list][*][b]PHYSICAL:[/b] Miriam is the picture of complete lack of health. She's about 5'2 in height, and weighs an astounding 78lbs. She has pasty white skin, and no muscle tone whatsoever. Her body is a sickly thin, almost skin and bones due to her long fight. Her face is oval shaped, with deep set brown eyes with bags around them that add to her overall unhealthy appearance. Her nose is the typical nose that one would see in a young woman, and it along with her lips are probably the most attractive parts of her. She has no hair on her body, her arms, head, nothing. She almost always has a breathing tube in her nose. [*][b]IN-ZONE:[/b] Miriam is astoundingly different in her zone, and her appearance doesn't change from Nexus to REM stage. If you saw the two of them, the only way you'd be able to know it was her would be by the voice. Standing at 5'8 she is right off the bat much taller, and is a little over 1.5x the weight of her normal self at 124lbs. She is visibly athletic and fit. If she lifted her shirt or flexed her arms you would see that she not only can hold her own in an arm wrestle but also has abs that most girls don't realize they can get. Dream puberty was kind to her in giving her wide hips and a very faint hourglass figure. Her skin is tanned greatly, and she has a bandaid going across the bridge of her nose which has remained unchanged. Her teeth are straight, although her canines are larger than average giving her smug grin a somewhat wolfish look. She has freckles going across the bridge of her nose. Her face is slightly more angular, with a sharper chin and higher cheekbones. Her eyes aren't nearly sunken and remained the same color. Her hair is black and long, falling down just past her shoulders. She always seems to have a pissed off or smug expression on her face. Henry has stated that, in the Nexus, her appearance is strikingly similar to a character named Asami from an old show called the Legend Of Korra from the mid 2010's. [url=http://i.imgur.com/8vPpEFM.jpg]Think this image.[/url] [/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [b]NEXUS:[/b] "You're a good kid, you just have smoke coming out of your fingertips..." Miriam is the living embodiment of smoke, cinders, smoldering refuse gas of any kind, etc. She is literally made of it. While she may look like a normal human when she goes into action her real powers spring to life. Whether it be literally turning into a cloud of smoke and becoming temporarily intangible to reforming after taking incredible hits as if nothing happened. She is the scourge of Zone one, at least to the Aggressors, who have very few means of fighting her effectively. She can fire high impact projectiles that are a combination of smoke and fire, and her durability is greatly increased allowing her to effectively jump off a building and come out unscathed. Think all of the abilities of Delsin Rowe, except more creatively used more often. She is capable of flying, and is capable of staying airborne for a fairly good period of time. Her signature thing is to launch and come down like a missile. She’s mean like that. [b]REM:[/b] Smoking is bad for everyone but her, it seems. In REM form, Miriam looks exactly the same as she does in Nexus form.Long black hair, black and red clothing, greaser style look, athletically healthy and very attractive. The new? She has all the abilities of before, but now she has FIRE under her belt as well. There is a lot more impact to her attacks and they do a lot more damage in different ways. Her body is also more densely packed, allowing her a more normal weight while still giving her the ability to smoke dash. Her body is also resistant to tiring and pain and any form of fatigue that is gained from prolonged combat. Her body has now become a furnace that constantly makes smoke for her to use. The downside however is that while her attacks are powerful, they can sometimes be taxing on this supply. To compensate for this? She simply uses the smoke in the city air as replacement, or falls back upon fire. [b]OTHER: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4EFddbHkRo[/youtube] [/b] [/hider] [hider=Henry Olin] [b]NAME:[/b] Henry J. Olin [b]AGE:[/b] 14 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]ZONE:[/b] Zone Two [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Henry is, despite what you might expect from him if you saw his zone forms, a pretty cool guy. He's often defined as laid back and will often share a good laugh if he can, even if the joke is on himself. He's extremely smart, border lining insane, and the few activities he takes part in that don't involve computers are either designing or straight up building. The things that get to him most are when people don't give him the time of day. One of his character flaws or errors is that he is stubborn and will try to get everyone to like him and often will make an idiot out of himself in doing so. It's also this bull headed stubbornness that has gotten him into trouble before in doing things he shouldn't be, or fighting a battle that's not worth it. Henry has an innate love for learning and even more so for teaching. If you gave him the opportunity to tell you about what kind of code he's writing or the character he's drawing you best be pulling up a chair because you're gonna be there for a while. For back of a better description, he is a nerd, and a dork, and a bit of a mess, but he's sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly if he could help it. He will happily throw himself on the live grenade if it meant saving others. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Henry was born fourteen years in the past as the middle child and only boy of a Japanese/American family. He has a younger sister, and an older sister (who is nineteen). His family is fairly wealthy, so his hobbies were supported and he was kept healthy throughout his life. He's got literally no excuse to be badass. He's been semi-following the incidents that have occured over the oast few months. Initially because of his friend who was interested in the whole situation. He slowly however became more sucked into attempting to explain where these creatures were coming from. Unfortunately he never got far. At least not until now. [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [list][*][b]PHYSICAL: [/b] Physically, Henry’s not at all what you’d expect. Normally when you see a Zoner their dreams match up somewhat with their physical appearance and their personalities aren’t altered that much. Not for Henry, he has alter egos. Standing at 5’3, and weighing about 172lbs, Henry has a bit of a weight problem. A combination of what could possibly be unfortunate genetics, bad dietary control, and lack of physical activity make up for a perfect storm that makes it hard for him to keep himself in a healthy condition (to give you an idea, he’s 54-55% over the average weight of a teenager his age). While he might be pudgy, he plays it off fairly well. His skin overall is naturally a little tan, even if he spends very little time in the sunlight to show for it, and while he might not be exactly a healthy weight his asian heritage helps somewhat by giving him small pores and smooth and healthy skin that does a pretty good job at not getting acne. He has an oval shaped face because of his weight. His hair is brown and long, easily falling to the bridge of his nose if he didn’t sweep it far to the side. His nose has the distinct asian traits to it. His eyes are slanted, as to be expected and are brown in color. His lips are full but his teeth are not very straight in the top, as he has yet to get braces. Think [url=http://asianmalerevolutions.com/files/am---teen-boy-1.jpg]this image[/url] except slightly more on the heavier side. [*][b]IN-ZONE:[/b] In the Nexus and in REM stages Henry is a distinctly reptilian creature. In the Nexus, he stands at about eight feet tall, and weighs around eight hundred pounds. He is still human in build and shape, but his skin is crocodilian like, and covered in the bony armor that the saurians of the third dimension are known for. His arms are much larger than before, allowing him to comfortably walk on all fours should he desire. He is incredibly well built, the deltoid and bicep muscles of his arm being about the size of a normal human’s torso in width. His chest is huge, measuring at approximately 85 inches in width (for scale, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a chest that is 57 inches). He is completely bald in this form and has teeth much different than a human, being fewer, larger, and pointed, like that of a crocodile’s. He lacks nails on both his hands and feet, instead having black claws about two inches in length. He wears orange rope tied pants as if he was a prison inmate, and his arms are wrapped up in a gauze of some kind that looks like an attempt at makeshift compression sleeve. For an idea of what he looks like, think Killer Croc from Arkham Origins. In REM form, Henry is terrifying in that you legitimately dont know if he’s on your side or not sometimes. He’s huge, standing fifteen to sixteen feet tall, and is covered in crocodilian like armor. Along his neck he has quill like spines shooting from his neck that seem to fade at his armor becomes more prominent. His arms, legs, and body are absolutely ripped. Like, Hulk ripped, and huge as well. Like, his arm muscles are probably about three and a half feet thick. His face is no longer humanoid at all, instead a snout has protruded from it and huge teeth have grown in, as well as a very reptilian forked tongue. He only has four fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, with huge black claws tipping each flange measuring up to a foot in length. If he were to ball his hand into a fist, two black spikes that protrude from each knuckle on the fist provide natural and built in ‘brass knuckles’. The only real humanoid part of his body left are his torso and arms (his arms of which are almost as long as his legs, allowing him to prowl around on all fours, which he often does when stalking prey), which give him a very primate/reptile feel. Unlike his Nexus form, he has a tail in this stage, which is as thick as a large tree trunk and measures easily twenty feet in length. It is extremely strong and incredibly flexible. Along it’s length is armor and spines, which end in a bone like club at the end. On his shoulders and upper back large and thick black spikes sprout up about three feet at their maximum height in a very ankylosaur like fashion and in combination with the armor plating on the upper half of his body provide a powerful defense mechanism if, god forbid, he be pinned on his stomach. His primary coloration is an ashen grey on both his belly and upper back, with his armor being a more maroon color. A fluorescent red shines between the cracks of his armor, on the gill like flaps of scale on the flanks of his neck, as well as the prominent veins running throughout his body.[/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [b]Overview:[/b] In both stages, Henry is a physical powerhouse capable of not only absorbing a lot of damage but dealing a lot of damage as well. In both stages he also has the ability to heal incredibly fast from wounds he receives by gorging himself on anything he kills (but he cannot do this during a fight). In the Nexus stage, he’s not as strong, not nearly as fast, and not as versatile as his REM form, and more often than not will only be able to grapple with two or three opponents at a time before he becomes overwhelmed. In the REM form however, all of his abilities are spiked to a level that most others haven't yet achieved. His physical brawn is unmatched and while his agility isn’t quite like the smaller zoners he is capable of jumping a terrifying fifty two feet forward and about fifteen to twenty feet high. And to top it all off to prove just how unfair it can be to be the opposition, not only can he punch a hole through a three foot thick rock, but he can also breathe a jet of fire powerful enough to achieve a range that extends eighty three feet forward. The problem is, Henry, in this form, is hungry and by default is pissed off about it. Channeling this ‘hangriness’ is a challenge any time the teams wants to get anything done and sometimes strategy is needed to get Henry’s clouded mind to realize that there is a big herd of creatures that the others consider opponents that he considers food all rounded up in one spot and oh my god he is suddenly throwing the closest boulder at them to turn as many as he can at one time into a smear on the forest floor so he can eat whatever’s left. Yeah, he wont attack you, he has enough self control for that, but it’s hard to keep his attention because anything else that’s moving is like showing a starving man a T-bone steak. He will go after it with everything he’s got and it’s kinda hard to stop him. Overall his power is kinda what you’d expect. He’s an in your face overwhelming brawler type with no special ability other than just being ridiculously hard to kill. [b]OTHER:[/b] Henry Olin is currently the largest (and most powerful in REM state) recorded Zoner, standing at a staggering eight feet tall in Nexus form in weighing eight hundred pounds. In REM form Henry's size is even more frightening. Dwarfing the others by standing an estimated fifteen feet tall, measuring in the mid thirties in length, and weighing the equivalent of about 9.8 tons... You get the idea. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKEq77NCt88[/youtube] [/hider]