“Please, you have to listen to me, we haven’t all turned. The First Enchanter has gone mad—he’s killed so many of us, he took the upper third of the tower, but we’ve resisted. We didn’t want to rebel, this is our home. There are nearly thirty children in the library, but we couldn’t keep them out on our own—please—those children only have six Enchanters to help keep them safe, and the First has blood magic and demons.” the mage said with a desperate rush to the Corporal. The Knight-Commander ordered that the templar get closer to her, in case she uses the mage on them. The Commander wanted to slapped her for it; but, decided against that as it would make the whole thing worst. The Commander sighed once more as he walked away for the mage and dragged the Corporal along. “Don't mind her, she also has been to a lot.” said the Commander as he wanted to change the subject quickly. The Corporal wanted to know more about the mage, sitting there and looking at them. “Who is the mage, Commander?” said the Corporal as he looked at her and then towards the nervous Commander as he said, “She is Zayra Melthene, a mage that we found escaping the tower. Let's avoid her for now as we got more matter than this 'knifed ear'.”. It was the first time that he insulted the mage, that he believed in and watched her grow into a person that she is now. Now, he isn't such that either she's controlled by blood magic or now. He felt bad for calling her that name, but he didn't mean to call her 'knifed ear'. It was just the stress of waiting for almost a week until the others came. He heard screaming and explosions over and over as he sat and waited for what seem years. And he was not using that anger and targeted it all towards Zayra. They heard another explosion, which caused something to fall as it made a huge bame sound. “It must have been one of the bookshelves, sir.” said a rookie templar, as he had been in the library before the tower rebel. The Commander looked up as he sighed again and pointed towards the door, “Get the door ready to open.”. The templars rushed to the door as they waited for his command to open it. The Commander walked towards Zayra as he said, “If you are right about this, then you're coming with us.”. He got her up for the chair as other templar made such that she couldn't make a run for it. “We hope that the First Enchanter is willing to trade the children for you, Zayra. But, if you're lying to us about this, I will make my job to finish you off.” said the Commander as he had doubt of Zayra's story. But, if he is at the library, then they could get a chance to kill the First Enchanter.. The Corporal walked towards the Commander and asked him one question, “What will I do?”. The Commander simply said, “You will go with Zayra and some other templar guards as I will stay here and get the men ready for your return.”. The Corporal walked towards Zayra as the Commander walked away for her. The Corporal looked at her as she was pushed towards the door by the templars, that were going to follow him. He stopped and waited until the Commander said, "Open the Door.". The huge doors were soon opened as the Commander said those words. They walked forward as the door began to close, to protect the only way out. Zayra pushed by the other templars as they walked away for the Commander. He then decided to say something else to them as he said, "Good luck and may the Maker be with you.". He believed in the Maker, as every templar was, and as soon as the doors closed, he prayed to the Maker to protect them as the doors shut once more.