-Lucas- "... I feel like there's someone else in... uh... Yggdrasil... that I know, but I'm not sure... I feel like I should know them. I think I know where they are," Lucas said, leaving the proper amount of money and tip for the waiter, and leaving the restaurant. He looked down the ship and went to a general area, a place that connected most sections of the ship to everything, and he looked. There was a boy in a blue suit, with thick glasses that was about as tall as Lucas there. [i]'That was the somebody'[/i] Lucas thought. The kid looked right back at him, and approached, offering a handshake. "Hello. My name is Jeff, Jeff Andonuts, son of Dr. Andonuts, believed to be the greatest scientist there is," Jeff said, and Lucas remembered Dr. Andonuts from the Chimera Lab back on the Nowhere Islands. "Hi, Jeff. My name's Lucas," Lucas said. "Nice to make your acquaintance, but I'm afraid I'll be leaving soon. This unknown place seems a little risky to wander alone," Jeff proclaimed, walking back in the direction of a spaceship that looked like it was ripped right from a Saturday morning cartoon or a comic strip. "What's that?" Lucas inquired, and Jeff replied "This here is the Sky Runner. It's made out of a steel and aluminum alloy on the outside, and can travel across countries in minutes, even having the possibility of multiversal travel. It's still a prototype, my father still has to fix the vast amount of complications with it, such as only being able to travel between two universes to having the occasional probability of exploding... strangely enough, when it does explode violently, it hardly ever hurts those inside. Would you like to come back to Winters to see what it's like if you haven't been there?" and Lucas simply nodded. He boarded the ship with Jeff, and they got to a safe location to warp back to Winters, and they did so, but it ended up in Summers instead... strange. Jeff took the flight controls and steered the spacecraft northbound, and Lucas waited. "NononoNONONONO!" Jeff exclaimed as the Sky Runner began to plummet out of the air, right above Threed, crash-landing. It flung both Jeff and Lucas forward, and both were knocked unconscious. When Jeff and Lucas both woke up, Jeff asked "What in the world could have happened? I-I was piloting it quite well until right then..."