Allen's medium sized boat slammed into the shore snapping him out of his sleep and sending him flying out of his hammock. "Fuck!" He shouted as he slammed head first into the sand. He stood dusting himself off. Its been a whole damn month and all Allen did was wait and trained. He walked through the sand angrily his cloak blowing in the wind. Oddly he was shirtless but hell it was the dessert! After awhile or so of walking he arrived at a town and completely forgot about why he was there and rushed to the first food shop in range. "Give me everything you have!" He shouted slamming a bag of 100 pieces of gold. The merchant was confused and wanted to tell Allen that was a little to much but Allen literally started to attack the food at the mans stand. The way he was eating was causing passing citizens to glance at him. Recklessly Allen was carrying his sword which was sheathed on his back and titled as royalty and would easily be recongnized if someone starred at it closely.