Before Mr. Evans could even finish writing the problem there was already a student rising from her respective desk, eager to put a finish on the admittedly simple equation. [color=00aeef]"'Ah, yes. Go ahead then."[/color] Amethystia was allowed to finish the problem, her own equation going into far greater detail than was required, such detail in fact that the teacher was obliged to stop her after the construction of an admittedly correct but irrelevant graph. [color=00aeef]"Good, good, you may take your seat. Now, what about --"[/color] Mr. Evans was left unable to finish this sentence, a bell rung and the loud-speaker came on. [color=ed1c24]"Mr. Evans you are to report to the faculty lounge. Your class will be let out early."[/color] With a silent nod, the teacher replaced the chalk against the black board, straightening his shirt before addressing the class. [color=00aeef]"As of now you have thirty minutes free before youre next period, gym. I hope you'll use it wisely."[/color] With this, the teacher turned and made his exit, leaving the class to chatter and quarrel among themselves. [center][i]Elsewhere in the School[/i][/center] In a dreadfully dark room, two voice communicated with one another in hissing snarls, occasionally their utterances breaking into a series of high-pitched drones and crackles. [color=662d91]"Your failure almost gave us away. What happened?"[/color] The first voice spoke imperiously, anger clearly emanating in its tone. [color=a187be]"The quantum matrix was destabilized, I've fixed it now."[/color] [color=662d91]"Good, don't let it happen again. After all, everything is predicated on our keeping this a secret. . .[/color] [center]Super Glorious Max Unicorns _ / 3 \ _ Ultimate Battle Mechanical Wolves . : 1 : . [i]Point Juju and Laroux for being late like every typical shounen protagonist Point RomanAria for being a know-it-all[/i][/center]