[h1]Intro[/h1] There isn't much left of the world. It has been torn apart by wars. We don't know how many of us are out there anymore. We know the government is tracking us down, because of our abilities. We don't know what they do to the ones they catch. We just know we have to avoid them. The police aren't our only problem though; we need food, shelter, water. Our main goal right now is to survive. [h2]The Main Idea[/h2] A small group of people are trying to escape persecution from what little government still remains because of the supernatural powers they possess. The people who want to arrest them blame them for the wars that destroyed most of the planet. [h2]Rules and Guidelines[/h2] I'm not going to post many rules here. Just follow the rules of the site and use common sense. [b][u]You can play up to three characters:[/u][/b] If you make three characters, at least one of them must be an officer. [b][u]Post character sheets on character page[/u][/b] [b][u]Officers should be at least 21.[/u][/b] [u][b]WIP[/b][/u] [h2]Character Sheet[/h2] Name: Age:(16-25) Gender: Power: Appearance: Member of group or officer: Other: (Things like sexuality, important character traits, etc.)