I would say the moody character would be the most one up there. And I mean like edgy for the sake of being edgy. And Over Powered characters. Gotta seem them every time I make a roleplay, well most of the time. While I personally like to make strong end characters it's always at the expense of something else. Naruto rp? Skilled Ninjutsu dead in genjutsu, fire emblem? Specialize in one area and dive bomb others. There are times where I GM and make my character stronger than he should be but it's due to the fandoms tendency to lean towards lower class characters and when they all try to go for stronger characters I remove the excuse of there not being one such character to fit the role as a main fighter or whatever be it. People trying to push stuff for their own personal taste when it does not belong in the roleplay or the scenario. Aka mixing two breeds of things together just to get one feature that is completely pointless while ignoring the other details that go alongside it. Especially jarring when it happens to be a scenario where such scenarios happen to similar breeds and they are either hunted or socially unaccepted due to it.