Ignore, this is so I don't forget something. Aurore "Billy" Twilight Sauveterre. (Note to self, cross-check Aurore's spelling with refference character) Potential future character. Slave. Has dark secret similiar to another character already in the RP. (Key word: Similar) Has had Relic since coming of age, does not know what it's power is, but knows what it looks like and understands Relic potential. Very friendly, but also headstrong and courageous. Born leader, but her Relic causes issues every time she attemps to lead. Relic changes need food to sustain, and thus makes her more aggressive to eat more (Missleading hint as to Relic's true power.) Death does not move her anymore, as she's seen a lot of it. Explain tavern scene in bio. Remember said tavern scene, as you didn't remember when writing this. Mention flawless memory... other than strange blackouts (Remember to type that part so everyone will assume on one power, but then be awed when they are tols they're wrong.) Only mention the Relic inside the PM, and explain what essentially happens during blackouts, so you don't post them IC and spoil the fun. Lead up to a point IC where a blackout scene unfolds before another character, then deny it happened afterwards. Tell everyone on this RP why you're posting this so they don't think you're crazier than you ar. Tell them this is from your phone, and that you had saved the name in a post, but never transfered it to the computer, and that you don't want to forget about the details you had came up with this new character. P.S. Self, Make sure this character is introduced after "Rose" goes over the deep end. Make personalities conflict to start out with, then grow together before the meeting, them have them change again after a few IG days of having known each other. P.P.S. Self, BBe clear this is not a reference to Ellri and "We". Unless it might be subconscious.