[hider=Malcolm Graves][b]NAME: Malcolm Graves[/b] [b]AGE:[/b] 17 [b]GENDER:[/b] M [b]ZONE:[/b] 3 [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Malcolm is a boxer that has been fighting in little league since he was 14, he’s not known for making trouble despite is fighting background and is actually very friendly and selfless, where his friends come first and himself second. He likes to share fighting tips and anything else he can really. He is cheery and open for conversation, and especially hates awkward silences or feeling useless. If Malcolm can't help physically or mentally then he will reside in sadness, feeling useless and helpless. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Malcolm has been fighting as a boxer since he was fourteen, frustrated that he never had a way to protect himself or his friends when bullies and other threats decided to pick on them. He began at a local gym down a street alley where he met the kind eyes of an old man, training a youngster just like Malcolm named Sam. With both pupils under his tutelage, the man gave them both his knowledge and the chances to better themselves against opponents with competitions and tournaments amongst the gym and it's rivals. It became apparent that Malcolm had exceled faster than the other boy in a year which made the coach favour Malcolm more, angering his once friendly rival. When Malcolm was 16 he was on his way to the gym when he was pulled into another alley a couple of metres away from the gym and was attacked by Sam and a gang of 3. Malcolm ducked and weaved, placing shots on the other, lesser skilled three, making them go down first before turning to Sam, pondering why this was happening. Sam and Malcolm fought for three whole minutes in the alley way, the tide going either way as both were evenly matched. However in the end Malcolm went down as he was taken aback by an unexpected kick into the stomach, where neither of them had kicked each other throughout the entire fight. This did not discourage Malcolm and instead he trained twice as hard, and before the invasion began he trained three times as hard as he is now 17. Malcolm began his dreams a week after the first attack when he was deciding whether or not he should fight back or not. His friends all went to join the military to fight off the invasion, leaving Malcolm behind. Part of him wanted to defend his family, the other, die among his battle brothers, fighting back instead of cowering away. Of course to a 17 year old boy, the courageous option sounded the best so he went for it. His dreams (or nightmares) in Zone 3 had still been reoccurring every night, worrying him and his parents greatly... but everything changed when he was taken from his home, the ngiht before he went to join the military. [b]APPERANCE[/b] [list][*] [b]PHYSICAL:[/b] [hider=Physical][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/204/a/6/boxer_by_bellsetty-d58aahm.png[/img][/hider] [*] [b]IN-ZONE:[/b] [hider=In-Zone][img]http://cdn2.fashionablygeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/genderswapped-vi-1.jpg?22a92a[/img][/hider][/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [list][*] [b]NEXUS:[/b] Thanks to Malcolm’s mechanical arms, he can attack his enemies with forceful and painfully effective punches, past any normal humans normal capability. His fists can also store and output strong electrical charges that add an electrical punch to his fists. However, to use his electric abilities, he must make sure he charges them at a nearby power source (E.g. Electric power cables). His biological power links to his ability to change his bone structure rapidly and to his own will. He can force his bones to grow past his skin and around organs (so he doesn’t damage anything vital) anywhere. He can use this in his advantage to gain personal armour.. However this is very painful, especially if it pierces the skin. [*] [b]REM:[/b] Propulsion is added to the fist letting him charge forward for more crushing power, however this needs to be reset. He gains more base damage to his punches and he will continuously keep his electric charge if he can drain a power source once. This electricity can also be redirected into outbursts of force or travel, for example he can grab an enemy and shock them as if it was a Taser, or placing his open palm and blasting them as long as he is in contact. The bone can grow at a more rapid pace and can control the shape of how the bones grow. For example, they usually grow in a spike shape but he could grow them in flat studded shapes (like on his back as shock absorbers). The bone manipulation can change any part of his skeletal structure but only his own, he cannot change the bone of other people, only himself.[/list] [b]OTHER:[/b] He is a fan of rap and electronic/dubstep music Also- Themesong= [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCD2tB1qILc[/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YEqwoSl.jpg[/img][/hider]