Charles could not belive when he entered the town and he was not attacked, the roads were still muddy and stoney but he wasnt attacked yet. The gaurds must have forgoton about him and let him in "Now for the fun part" he took up a torch and put it to a market stall. The people running out were screaming fr the gaurds, but the gaurds were too busy with the revolting farmers on the outskirts and the Shanka tribe that had attacked the south side. The town was empty leaving the mercinarys and thugs to run rampant, with a flurry of coins he had himself a small army. "My Frinds! We must do what the gaurds fail to do, eliminte assasin scum. For each urchin head and assasin hand you give to me i will pay you 3 gold coins. If you bring me an assasin alive ill pay you 100 gold coins" the men he now had ownership were looking around agreeing "Good? Good! Off to work" they started to turn "OH and! Burn any buildings you find and depending on the size ill pay you, but a minimu of 350 silver coins for each building."