[b]Name[/b]: Jack Simmy [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Power[/b]: Heightened physical attributes [list] [*][b]Power description[/b]: The ability causes the user to have extraordinary reflexes, as well as inhuman strength, and extraordinary speed. It should be noted, however, that his strength is not that of the Hulk, and his speed does not rival Flash’s. He’s merely stronger and faster than the average human, and he’s able to process what’s happening around him at a much faster pace. What I’m trying to say is: He can’t throw a car, and he can’t catch a bullet. But he can keep pace with a car, and he can smash you into the ground before you fire that bullet.[/list] [b]Appearance[/b]: He may only be 24 years old, but a crap filled world changes you. What was once a young handsome individual, has turned into something completely different. Standing at 6’3 Jack is quite the fright. Even considered a monster by some. His used to be tan and smooth skin, is now pale and rough. Covered in scars his bodies tells many tales; each and every scar has its own story if you ask him. Because of all of his injuries, Jack’s body looks more animal than man. When he is standing up, his back is hunched, and he walks like a limp. Considering his height, and how quickly it moves, it can provoke quite the panic when he rushes his enemies - a hunched man limping at you with unnatural speed. Jack has no hair on his head, he keeps it completely shaved. If he were to try and grow hair, it would probably grow back in patches. The scars on his body are deep and hair doesn’t grow over them. Jack’s got quite the distinguishable face. Like the rest of his body its got scars in all the right places, thanks to countless battles. His nose is crooked, a result of many breaks. His green eyes almost seem vacant these days, like he isn’t even paying attention. Don’t let that fool you though, when shit hits the fan, he will grasp the entire situation before anyone else; thanks to his ability of course. His most notable scar runs from beneath his left eye, down and over his mouth, and ends at the point of his jaw. [b]Other[/b]: Nothing I can think of.