[center]+[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance's frown deepened when the strange kid jumped on his bed. He scooted backwards until his back touched the wall to expand the space between them. The last thing he wanted was that kid touching him.............. His attention was pulled away from the kid when he heard Sunako banging against someone's door, yelling for someone to wake up. Was she talking to him? " Excuse me." He told the guy on his bed, moving around him and off the bed to go to the door. If this guy were to attack him, Sunako would surely help him! He opened it quickly and was greeted with Sunako's face right infront of his door. " What's wrong?" He asked calmly. He wanted to know what was going on more then he wanted to know who the strange kid was. It sounded urgent. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ " Shit." Momo cursed, gripping his evoker. His persona sucked ass when it came to physical attacks, everyone knew that! He was as good as useless in this battle now. Of course, Shinji and Kimiko's personas centered around magic as well, but at least they had weapons! Unlike him.....Dammit, why had he left his bat in his room? Such a stupid move..... +[b]HIKARU[/b]+ " I can do that." Hikaru said to Shinji, getting ready to activate his persona again. Kafkaesque had powerful physical attacks so this wouldn't be a challenge for him, but the strain that the behemoth persona placed on him was. It was more then a handful to keep the giant demon under control and he usually received headaches after summoning it repeatedly. But if it meant that Kenji would be safe, Hikaru would summon Kafkaesque as much as needed. Placing the gun like object against his head, he pulled the trigger and he felt his soul unlock. A dark pool formed beside him and a black arm shot out from it and grabbed the side of the hole, pulling itself up from the pits of darkness. Kafkaesque towered over the humans and the shadow and looked at Hikaru, probably surprised to be summon twice in one battle. " Attack." Hikaru pointed to the shadow. The dark demon obeyed and sent another fist flying towards the shadow, breaking the mask it had been wearing. It stumbled backwards again, granting Hikaru's wish to get it away from the dorm. But as Kafkaesque disappeared, Hikaru's vision blurred and he too stumbled backwards, landing on his behind non too gracefully. How many hits was it going to take to kill this thing?![/center]