[b]Snazzy The Reaper[/b] Snazzy nodded at the wendigo smelling man, his hand still clutching the scythe as the extraterrestrial party crasher came back from the resting rooms. "Well I don't expect [i]you[/i] to like my drinks, you come from a different place, Different taste buds, if any." He served a new face some margarita, "I myself don't really like half the shit I make, the Angel Blood Elixer that I made earlier tonight? UTTER SHIT. I mean angel blood, duh, that's like drinking my own piss." Snazzy turned his attention to the new arrival, she was drinking her margarita, "Snazzy, I am not really a bartender here, just a friendly neighborhood grim reaper of the 12th order of the lord, not lord de gravee, THE lord. So what are you? I smell something familiar? Reaper? WakWak? Shinigami?"[@KawaiiOshiri]