Lee. That was the Cyborgel's name. Ethan. That was the mechanic's name. With those in mind, Yuri continued to observe. Lee the Cyborgel almost took Ethan's hand but then she caught a glimpse of her naked body. She jerked backward in embarrassment and hastily took a dirty sheet from the garbage bins, knocking several more cans over just as the trashbots arrived. The litter bots beeped back and forth as they waved past the mechanic and the Cyborgel, quickly getting to work with cleaning up the area. One turned the corner and bumped its small body smack into Yuri, startling him. Scared, it's monitor changed from a ':3' to a 'DX' with little cartoon tears pouring down its monitor, letting out a strange bawling sound. It's small robotic arms flailed as it's wheels moved its small body in circles around the Russian. "EEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEE!" The robot screeched while giving away Yuri's position. "Shhhh! SHHHHH!" Yuri tried to silence the litter bot, trying to catch it so it could not attract more attention. As he tried to, Yuri accidentally followed it to the open and revealed himself to Ethan and Lee. The Russian mentally banged his head to the wall for making such a mistake but outside, he kept his cool. With little option left, he slowly aimed his pistol at the duo and stayed silent. Their next action would determine if they were harmless or not.