Teri looked at the others in quiet confusion as they carved up the succulent meat, still not moving from her position behind the animal until everybody was served. Then, the nem tentatively moved herself forwards, placing two hands on the roasted flesh--rather than taking any of the neat cuts--and with a few tugs tore off a haunch. The sudden lack of resistance, though, sent the tiny girl flying back to be sandwiched between all of the much larger adventures. So she took her mind off it by tearing into the enormous hunk of meat and bone in her hands, displaying a voracious appetite totally at odds with her demure and somewhat skittish personality. [sub]"Exploring a dungeon sounds fun..."[/sub] the barbarian finally mumbled, using her arm to wipe away some of the juices now dribbling down her chin, [sub]"But what would we eat in there?"[/sub]