[b]Name:[/b] Blake Wilde [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Power:[/b] Power mimicry [list] [*] [b]Power description[/b]; the possessor of this ability has the power to copy other people's abilities. For Blake, this means that if he touches anyone with an ability, he can replicate that ability himself. This isn't to say that he could just go around, mimicking people until he is so overpowered, he could take over the world, as not only does he have no clue what he's actually doing, but he's way too lazy to practice - even holding down two people's powers at the same time would threaten to burn him out. [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Blake's that short guy that sits at the back of your class and causes trouble, and he looks the part. He's exactly five-foot-six and a quarter and proud, and is the kind of stereotypical teenage boy whose metabolism was always so fast that it didn't matter what ate, he is consistently borderline underweight. Never the type to develop a natural tan, Blake has been known to be forever pale, although as a kid, that was merely put down to the fact he barely left his house (I mean, who would when there were so many fights going on, there was practically an entire army in your back yard?) and, aside from the a dent-like scar just underneath his left eye and two thick, reddish lines cutting across the back of his leg, he has no visible scars to show for the amount of violence he's seen. His hair is cut messily but short, not that you'd really be able to tell due to his constant need to wear the same hat every single day, but his fringe still manages to poke out from under the black beanie, and comes to a rest just above his eyes. As for facial features, Blake is very much still baby-faced. His eyes are big and bright, with his petite nose sliding down and coming to a rest just above his mouth, which is almost always pulled into a grin or smile, even during the bitterest and hardest of times - most of the time, that's due to his naivety, as he doesn't actually understand what's going on until someone actually explains. He tends to look exactly how he is, and that's a kid who has no idea what he's doing, how he got here, or how the hell he's meant to survive. He's not a survivor - he's a cuddler - and it shows. [b]Other:[/b] Whilst Blake has never really thought about relationships or sexuality in his life, mainly because he usually had more going on than figuring out who he was interested in, he does know one thing, and that's that he is definitely not straight. Bisexual, maybe, but not straight. [s]I think that's everything, but it's me so I've probably forgotten something.[/s] [i]I'm also considering making another character that's an officer to even the numbers out, if that's okay? Not right now as I have to go out but soon.[/i]