Tanya sighed. Seriously? That was what the Nem wanted to know about the dungeon? After the explanation she had gotten? It wasn't as if Tanya particularly cared for magic, though her armor and blade bore enchantments woven into their being she did not practice it herself. But she had at least expected some kind of questioning of what was down there or something. It was so... so simple-minded! ... Whatever... The Nem [i]had[/i] cooked a sizable meal for them and Tanya was equipped to store whatever they could not eat. "We will eat whatever we pack with us, if we are down there long enough to require a meal." There, that should have answered the question. In terms of the rest of the conversation, well... Tanya could give less of a damn about how the Mad King had escaped death. She wasn't exactly up to date on magical immortality or whatever it was, anyway. Her duty was a simple one, to find the insane former king and slay him if he was alive. Or undead. Moreso if he was undead, to be frank, there was no way he would not be one of the malevolent ones. She unpacked her utensils and swiftly carved herself a nice piece of boar, settling in to eat. --- After everyone had eaten their fill and the remainder of the boar had been packed away, the journey to the Prison-Castle had begun. It was rather uneventful, crossing wooded areas and plains and a small stream, before at last the crumbling tower was visible in the distance. It had taken hours, but now they had reached their destination. The walls were crumbling ruins. Certainly, no-one would have any trouble entering the Prison-Castle now, to say the least. Moss and vines clung to the ruined masonry. The tower itself was a wreck, half of it had toppled to the ground at some point and all that remained was scattered stone choked with vegetation. Even what remained of the tower was worn away and heavily damaged, and covered in moss and lichen. Tanya approached the walls, looking up at it for a moment. "Well, this is more of a trash heap then I even expected..." she said, folding her arms, before turning to face her party. "Supposedly the entrance is on the north side. If it hasn't crumbled away into ruin, at least."