[hider=Jared Swift] NAME: Jared Swift AGE: 23 GENDER: Male ZONE: Zone 1 PERSONALITY: Jared's a laid back kind of guy. Not easily provoked, he tends to brush off any taunts without a second thought - and as such can come across as somewhat apathetic to those who don't know him well. Despite that, he has a sense of humor and is usually perceived as likable, even if his indecisive nature can be a bit grating at times. He's not much of a leader and prefers to follow, but if he really doesn't agree with an order he isn't afraid to simply ignore it and follow his instincts instead. HISTORY: Despite being the youngest child of a poor family, Jared didn't have a particularly troubled upbringing. His father provided for the family by enlisting in the military, whilst his mother stayed at home to try and manage him and his four siblings. He had a remarkably carefree childhood, considering his families financial situation. Being the youngest child, he tended to go unnoticed by his mother a lot of the time, and as such was able to get away with a lot of things that other kids wouldn't be able to. He spent a lot of his free time with his older brothers, blindly agreeing to whatever dares they could come up with. He always knew that he was just a source of entertainment for them, but he didn't really care. He just liked being able to amuse them. The rest of his free time was spent on his own, simply wandering around. He always liked being high up, and spent a lot of time climbing up anything he could find. He was never sure what it was about it that he liked, only knowing that he enjoyed the feeling of the wind against his face and the thrill of seeing the world appear so tiny below him. He grew apart from his family when his father was killed in action. His mother was sent spiraling into a terrible depression, and eventually just stopped eating, dying a couple of months after his father. Without parents to keep them all in check, his siblings all slowly drifted apart, most becoming petty criminals or simply staying unemployed. This all happened when he was 19. He too left his childhood home, getting a typical boring office job and living in a tiny rented apartment. This didn't bother him however, he was just happy to be self sufficient without having turned to a life of crime. He missed his family sometimes, but for the most part managed to keep them out of mind. APPEARANCE: PHYSICAL:Jared is slim, but athletically so. He's considered a conventionally attractive man who stands at exactly 6 feet tall, with a strong jawline, piercing blue eyes, a tousled mess of brown hair and a designer stubble lining his jaw. He has tattoos covering his left arm in a patchwork of images and symbols, all of which relate to some defining event of his life. Because I'm terrible at describing appearances, here's a picture for reference, just imagine more stubble and blue eyes: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://celebrity-tattoos.co/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Several-of-Orlando-Blooms-tattoos-including-the-large-tree-tattoo-design-on-his-right-side-the-small-sun-tattoo-on-his-stomach-and-the-tattoos-on-his-forearms.jpg[/img] [/hider] IN-ZONE: There are relatively few changes between his physical and in-zone appearances, although the the changes that actually occur are quite striking. His hair becomes longer and pure white, and tends to float around his head as if there is a constant light breeze around him. His piercing blue irises expand to cover his entire eyes, lending him an otherworldly appearance. He also becomes mildly transparent, and if you look at him hard enough you can almost see straight through him. POWERS: NEXUS: Jared's power is aerokinesis, giving him control over air and the wind. When using the Nexus Projector, he is able to manipulate the air around him to suit a variety of purposes. He can create gusts of wind or small tornadoes powerful enough to move a small car, but apart from that his powers are severely limited outside of REM. REM: In REM form, he is able to create much more powerful winds, almost equal to a hurricane in strength, and his tornadoes become that bit more devastating. He also develops new powers, including the ability to manipulate the air around him in order to grant him a form of flight. His powers may sound boring and slightly limited, but he knows how to make the most of them. He also gains the ability to literally [i]become wind.[/i] This ability allows him to pass through objects for a short amount of time at high speeds. The only downside to this power is that since he has technically become a gust of wind, he has to keep moving to maintain it. Even when moving, he can't keep up this power for long. OTHER: He has an ungodly fear of spiders. [/hider]