[hider=Julian Maius][b]NAME:[/b] Julian Maius [b]AGE:[/b] 27 [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]ZONE:[/b] 1 [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Hard-working, a bit abrasive, but happy to have fun when the work is done and put away with. Julian isn’t someone who finds it hard to juggle work and pleasure, a rather average joe in that regard, but his gruff nature is somewhat of a constant. There isn’t really a warming up to him as he strives to, and is relatively successful, at treating most people he meets equally. While he’s more than willing to take a few jabs or laughs at his expense, Julian can throw back and is more than willing to any shit he gets from others. He’ straight to the point and doesn’t like to mince words when possible, but isn’t so stubborn as to not understand that sometimes you just have to stow it and be polite. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Would you like to hear Julian’s story? If you knew what it was, you’d probably say hell no and he wouldn’t blame you. After all, it’s not all that interesting and you’d probably find hundreds just like him in any place that could be called a city. He grew up as an only child in a family where both parents worked, though they managed to stay close knit rather than let work pull them apart. Plenty of time was still spent outdoors when he was young though, and Julian grew up as an active child who liked the sports better than the books. The sports took a back seat to the books when he grew old enough though. He went on to higher education after high school and managed to graduate amidst parties and what not. Yet the economy had basically gone to crap by the time he was out and the degree he had might as well have been paper to the companies he applied for. Not content to simply sit at home and wait for things to get better though, Julian turned his attention towards the less desired jobs available. Dirty, long hours, and dangerous, but someone had to do it and he certainly wasn’t squeamish. So he bid his family and friends farewell for several months and went west to the oil sands. He took to the work easily enough and did so diligently. It wasn’t easy at first, but in a few weeks he’d adapted to the strenuous work and long schedules. While it wasn’t what he had gone to university for, it turned out to suit him just fine and Julian didn’t even bother looking for another job for a few years. Eventually, when the pay wasn’t enough to keep him invested in the work he resigned, turned in his uniform, and headed back home to simply relax. There was enough money in the bank for him to remain unemployed for a rather lengthy amount of time given how frugal he was. Yet, relaxation didn’t come easy, especially with the troubling news from the States. It certainly didn’t become any easier when his nights turned from peaceful sleep into living another life. [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [list][*][b]PHYSICAL:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/oaOheHe.jpg?1]Julian’s[/url] rather heavy-set for his height with broad shoulders, thick limbs, and all that. His modest height of 5’6 only lends to the build, but he isn’t too much of a stickler about it; it is what it is after all. His hair is light orange while his eyes are a reddish brown in coloration. [*][b]IN-ZONE:[/b] While using the Nexus, Julian retains a mostly human appearance for the most part. He seems a bit few inches taller, about 5’9 or so, than usual and a bit thinner as a result. His eyes are obscured by a constant azure glow that leave faint trails with their passing. Arcs of electricity can be seen arcing over what little exposed skin he has left and occasionally illuminate his shadowed face when the robe’s hood is on. In terms of [url=http://apollo-na-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/1425063076752/humanxer1_by_justduet-d63wm2e.png]outfit[/url], he’d look rather in place in some fantasy RPG. He’s got the whole mage robes thing going on, with white markings on the dark blue fabric. A rather massive amber amulet hangs around his neck and seems to glow whenever his powers are used. His arms are wrapped in blackened bandages all the way up to his elbows. When the Zone is accessed through natural sleep though, [url=http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Xerath_0.jpg]his appearance[/url] undergoes a much more drastic change. Though still humanoid in shape, it’s as if lightning was forced within the confines of a metal shell. The centerpiece held with chains has the same design as the amulet around his neck in his other form. Though he appears to be made of energy at this point, he can still be hurt as usual.[/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [list][*][b]NEXUS:[/b] Friendly fire beware. Even toned down, Julian’s powers are still incredibly hard to control and more than capable of killing his teammates just as effectively as his enemies. He generally sticks to hurling bolts of lightning that easily stop hearts and blacken bodies. For more numerous foes he’s capable of bathing the area in lightning from his fingertips and letting the electricity jump from one foe to another. Against enemies capable of withstanding the high current and voltage, Julian can maintain a constant stream that imparts enough heat to turn asphalt and concrete molten. Transfer through contact is also possible and allows him full output without risk to allies, but he’s less than willing to go that route for obvious reasons. [*][b]REM:[/b] Clear the area and get out of the blast zone. While in REM sleep, Julian’s powers effectively turn him into a living artillery piece with all the fine control until his attacks actually impact. If you’re left standing in the blast radius afterwards? Well, unless you’re intangible or have some really good defensive measures, it’ll probably suck to be you. The bolts of lightning he throw pack enough energy to tear smoking craters into the city, there’d be very little left of a person if they were hit head on. His chain lightning looks more like Thor or Zeus having a rave party at this point: blinding, unceasing arcs of electricity that saturate an entire block around him. Basically his previous powers are cranked up to the eleventh. In addition, he also gains the ability to generate a thunderstorm albeit to maintain it requires him to remain stationary and focused. By emitting a constant stream into the sky above, he can then redirect the electricity back to targets on the ground. This grants him a massive area of coverage and the ability to literally smite his enemies from the heavens. Granted, the strikes aren’t as powerful as his normal attacks, but the sheer quantity and area of coverage are useful in their own right. He’s able to locate targets by feeling the lightning’s path to the grounds and sorting through them. His greater degree of control also allows for Julian to effectively create a plasma lance that boasts unparalleled destructive capacity. By containing an immense amount of electricity into a small area, he’s able to generate plasma that can then be launched. The focus required is about on par to his Lightning Fall, meaning he’s limited to calm movements at most.[/list] [b]OTHER:[/b]He's got rather deft hands, nimble fingers, as well as a rather sharp sense of sound despite working the drills for a few years. Useful for fiddling with and catching clicks. Likes to drink, but isn't dependant on alcohol. Holds it fairly well and can stomach quite a bit, but doesn't handle its effects the following morning all too well.[/hider]