[CENTER][hr] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2ut1b3m.png[/IMG] [hr][B][I]"I'm not wearing tights."[/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]| NAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Ezekiel William Jernigan​[/INDENT] [I]Nicknames[/I] [INDENT]Zeke, Zee, Zekey(When he was younger he was often referred to as 'Zekey', an unfortunate nickname which some of his family still refer to him as.)[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT]Grey[/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.: |[/B] [INDENT]05/18/1994 [I](Saying the current year is 2015)[/I][/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]21[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B] [INDENT]Heterosexual[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT]Zeke is a fairly in shape young man standing roughly 5'-10" and at a weight of roughly 168lbs. He has kind seafoam green eyes which hide his brutal nature and make him seem far more trustworthy than he ought to be. Usually found unshaven, though with a trimmed five o'clock shadow, he hasn't yet managed to grow a full beard out though not for lack of trying. Generally he spikes up his hair at the front in different varieties of the quiff, ducktail and ski slope styles though Zeke isn't above putting his hair in a faux hawk. This is all of course saying he doesn't don a hat for the day. He wears the usual clothes of someone his age, jeans, tees, hoodies. Whenever Zeke needs to conceal his identity, he has a ball cap he pulls onto his head, dipping the beak down to shield his face while raising up the hood on his sweater or jacket. Occasionally, Zeke will pull a scarf above the lower half of his face to further ensure his identity remains hidden. [I]~See above picture for visual reference.~[/I]​[/INDENT] [B]| H-CLASS: |[/B] [INDENT]Mars[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [INDENT]Possessing the ability to create and manipulate magnetic field, Zeke can move and manipulate any material which is ferrous in nature or possessing a magnetic field, be it natural, organic or artificial. Zeke's magnetic fields are directly tied to his personally biological electricity and as such fluctuate which his physical condition. Stopping his heart will immediately destroy and magnetic constructs he may have created. Zeke's diet is high in iron as his powers fluctuate with the iron content in his body, the higher the amount of iron the more potent his abilities become but if he were deprived of iron his abilities would deplete in power. Zele is able to manipulate specific metals, notably iron, nickel, cobalt and their various alloys on a molecular level. This allows him to shape and manipulate the metals into whole new forms or something as simple as putting a sharp edge on a quarter to make it into a weapon. There are also some rare earth metals and naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone which Zeke can manipulate. Organics can also be manipulated if they produce magnetic fields as sometimes happens due to living beings generating electric currents. Furthermore, organics with a high iron content also may be able to be manipulate whether they have organic magnetic films or not. As electricity creates artificial magnetic fields, and because magnetic fields can create electricity Zeke has limited control over some forms of electrical current. Creating rotating magnetic fields, Zeke can creates bolts of electricity to use as an attack or amplify his strikes with an electric force. Zeke can use his magnetic fields as force fields, to levitate or to physically augment his body creating a repulsion on impact to send his target flying or adhere himself in place to hold his ground.[/INDENT] [B]| LIMITATIONS: |[/B] [INDENT]■ Zeke is limited in what types of metals he can manipulate as well as heavily limited in manipulating organics. ■ While Zeke's powers aren't tied to his physical strength, mentally he has created this association and thus believes that anything outside of his physical range is something he won't be able to manipulate. ■ Outside of his abilities, Zeke is only human requiring food, rest and time to recharge. His has the normal stamina and strength levels of an average athlete. ■ Zeke's personal iron intact affects his powers, a lack of iron can lead to him becoming weakened as opposed to a diet full of iron which can potentially boost his abilities.[/INDENT] [B]| WEAKNESSES: |[/B] [INDENT]■ High heat can destroy Zeke's magnetic fields, temporarily setting him back. ■ Zeke can be demagnetized by alternating electrical currents. He will remain essentially powerless until he manages to absorb a new magnetic field to jumpstart his powers again. ■ If Zeke is electrically grounded, he can't use his powers. As such bodies of water can be especially dangerous to Zeke and can even harm him when his magnetic fields electrically overload. ■ Materials which lack any ferrous properties are immune to Zeke's abilities. ■ Lastly Zeke requires metal to manipulate. While he can do some attacks with magnetic fields alone, he is most effective when manipulating ferrous materials. [/INDENT] [B]| APPLICATIONS: |[/B] [INDENT]■ Zeke can generate and manipulate magnetic fields, and indirectly through them control anything that is affected/connected/ by/to them. As such he can use these to achieve telekinetic like effects over metallic objects or anything he's able to magnetize. Zeke could also potentially use magnetic fields to fly by polarizing himself and creating a field of the same polarity around himself to repel himself through the air. Zeke can release his magnetic force in varying ways: [INDENT]■ Metal Manipulation limited to iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys. This allows Zeke to manipulate metals such as his favourite coins, changing their shape, honing an edge onto them and numerous other like effects. ■ Limited Matter Manipulation by affecting the metallic particles in the non-metallic objects. Meaning Zeke can pull and push some matter without the need for creating magnetic fields around them. ■ Limited Motor-Skill Manipulation by affecting the metallic particles in body. A highly advanced technique, Zeke will not be able to do this until further into the RP. Resisting his control obvious can either neglect the effect or simply increase the difficulty depending on the strength of the target and their blood iron content. ■ Magnetic Force-Field by producing walls of magnetic fields to repel attacks. ■ Magnetokinetic Constructs by magnetically manipulating metals and fusing them together into either weapons or defensive contructs. He can't create anything complex so he won't be building vehicles, guns or anything like that.[/indent] ■ Electronic Disruption through creating magnetic fields around electronics. ■ Magnetic Attacks through charging magnetic fields to create electric bolts. ■ Magnetic Infusion by laying magnetic fields into objects making them adhere almost indefinitely to a target. ■ Sense magnetic fields, how they move and anything that moves/disturbs them: [INDENT]■ Detect metallic objects, or even track people based on the iron in their blood.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SKILLS: |[/B] [INDENT][B]Track and Field Athlete:[/B] [INDENT]A former track and field athlete at his highschool, Zeke was a sprinter as well as performing in the high jump, shot put, javelin, discus and hurdle. Due to this, he's got above average endurance and is in a good standing physically.[/INDENT]​ [B]Barbecuing:[/B] [INDENT]An excellent cook with a barbeque, Zeke grills a mean steak, pork chop or chicken. Whenever he can, Zeke cooks his food on the barbeque claiming the smell of coals or propane enhances the flavour.​[/INDENT] [B]Mechanic:[/B] [INDENT]Due to his abilities, Zeke has a natural attraction to mechanical systems, specifically engines. Due to this, he's taken the initiative to build up a few skills over the year that allow him to fix and maintain engines though he has a particular soft spot for motorcycles.​[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| EQUIPMENT: |[/B] [INDENT]Zeke always keeps a roll of quarters handy. Aside from that, he carries the regular items most young adults do, his wallet, cellphone, keys etc. In terms of transportation, Zeke takes the bus throughout the winter but during the other three seasons he rides a black [URL=http://motorcycle.honda.ca/assets/Models/2015/vt1300/vt1300cxa_fury_12989_nh_b01_____graphite_black_front.png?Crop=auto&maxwidth=730&maxheight=370]Honda Fury.[/URL]​[/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] [INDENT]Born and raised on the wrong side of the tracks in North Etobicoke, Ezekiel Jernigan grew up in the Rexdale neighborhood. Ezekiel's parents were far from wealthy and often weighed down by debt, both pulling double shifts in the local manufacturing factories. As such, Ezekiel was often left in the hands of their neighbor, an elderly retiree by the name of Mrs. Angus Miller. Mrs. Miller was always appreciative of the babysitting jobs which greatly helped her out as her only source of income was her old age pension which allowed her just enough to afford rent on the run down bungalow she lived in. Growing up, Zeke lived under the constant pressure to join one of the city's many local gangs but thanks to the guidance of old Mrs. Miller, Zeke kept himself busy playing sports in her backyard or performing odd jobs for the other neighbors. At least that was until one night when Zeke returned home from mowing various lawns to earn a couple extra dollars on top of his allowance only to find Mrs. Miller dead in her living room as a result a botched home invasion. It was after this that his parents decided to risk debt again in order to move out of the ugly neighborhood but Zeke never forgot the injustice served to Mrs. Miller by a bunch of petty thieves. Going through highschool, Zeke was a fairly popular if not distant student. He participated in various extracurricular activities but not enough to win awards or recognition as he skated by under the radar. Gaining a part time job at a mechanic shop after school during his sophomore year, Zeke cultivated his interest and love of engines and mechanics. At the age of sixteen, Zeke discovered his abilities. At first he thought they were a coincidence but eventually he realized he was a gifted. Zeke began to experiment with his powers eventually discovering that he could be quite effective manipulating magnetic fields. Armed with an idea to gain revenge for Mrs. Miller's death and perhaps help curb the ever rising crime rate in Toronto, Zeke turned to vigilantism. Now Zeke keeps an eye out from crimes while attending the Seneca College for Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology. As such, Zeke travels a good portion of the city every day allowing him to keep a wide watch over the city he grew up in. Despite this, he's a bit of a delinquent and commonly tags that areas he helps out gaining his 'hero' alias a bit of a poor reputation. While his motives are decent, Zeke commonly takes the wallets of those he stops, often performing his vigilantism more for self gain than actually helping the community.​[/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] [INDENT]The steel roof seemed to explode beneath Ezekiel 'Zeke' Jernigan as he ran frantically atop of, covering his face with his arms while bullets ripped through the sheet metal beneath him. Shrapnel flew in every which direction as the bullets seemingly curved around Zeke's bio-magnetic field changed their path, directing them away from his body. With the automated weapons fire showing no sign of stopping and Zeke quickly running out of roof to run along he was going to have to make a choice soon as he began to curse loudly to himself. [color=003471]"Damnit, damnit, damnit!"[/color] He had no time to hesitate as he jumped, his body seemed to pull itself towards the metal siding of the next warehouse as he collided hard against the side of the building. Expecting to plunge to the ground at any second, Zeke let out a groan as he opened the eyes he had hastily forced shut only to realize he was staying put, his body holding firmly against the wall. [color=003471]"That's cool."[/color] He muttered as he raised one hand over his head, a tingling sensation radiating through him as he placed it against the siding before, repeating the motion with his other hand as he slowly scaled his way to the top of the second building. Breathing heavily, he pulled himself on top of the structure coming face to face with the dawn's first rays of sunlight. Looking down at his hands, Zeke flexed his fingers muttering aloud to himself. [color=003471]"My powers are getting stronger."[/color] The angry cries of the gang bangers whoever broke up Zeke's monologue as he heard men shouting to check that he was dead. Opting to not stick around for an actual bullet in his body, Zeke pushed his body into a run again despite its heavy resistance. His lungs were burning worse than they ever had after a track meet, but he supposed that was the consequences of an all night 'crime-fight' session. 'Fighting' being the opportune word here as Zeke didn't so much stop any crime as he had merely angered a hornet's nest of the Dixon Bloods. Finding a ladder, Zeke slid down it quickly before ducking between a few buildings and making his way back to the alley where he had stowed his bike. Pulling the heavy tarp off the bike, Zeke pulled the bandanna away from his mouth and took the ball cap off his head before fastening his helmet on. With sun finally up, it was definitely time to hit the hay. Leaving Etobicoke behind him, Zeke maneuvered his motorcycle quickly along the city's various side roads, avoiding the speed traps laid out by the police on the city's central routes. Toronto's police couldn't even catch speeders let alone real criminals. Pulling onto his college's campus, Zeke made his way towards his dorm's parking area before leaving his bike and headed up into his room. Opening the door, he pulled off his clothes quickly before flopping into his bed and closing his eyes. No sooner had he done that than his alarm went off, the aggressive beeping echoing through the small space as Zeke rolled over and groaned. Today was his calculus test and he hadn't studied. Shrugging he sat up, reaching for his books as he looked at the clock. The test started in half an hour. [color=003471]"Eh, I've got time to cram."[/color]​[/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT]■ Zeke's favourite method of attack is a roll of quarters he manipulates around himself. ■ Zeke prefers a high iron diet complemented with large amounts of vitamin C to aid his iron absorption, he has found this to boost his ability to create and manipulate magnetism. ■ Cherry Coke[/INDENT]