[h3]WIP[/h3] [hr] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e8/ae/23/e8ae23e87562bd24cbfd9cd572178dcd.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i]"Let's bring the pain."[/i][/b][/center] [indent] [color=Darkred][b][u]NAME(S);[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Redford ‘Red’ Walker[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]ALIAS(ES);[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Guardsman callsign; Wildcard. Nicknamed Gunny while with the marines. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]D.O.B;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]06/14/1971[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]AGE;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]54[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]SEX;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]SEXUALITY;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Straight[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]APPEARANCE;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Red is in phenomenal shape for a man of his years, with a muscular body that men half his age would envy. Perhaps this is partially the result of his hype power, but you can‘t discount his active lifestyle for having a hand in it. He stand’s at 5’11” with an impressive breadth of shoulders and well developed musculature. While only slightly above the average height there’s something about him that just seems [b]big[/b], as if he just looms above normal people. His body has picked up the scars of a life lived upon the battlefield, each one testament to a foe conquered or a battle survived. He has a tattoo of the 1ST Recon battalion logo on his right pectoral, a joker face card on his upper back, the name ‘Lisa’ on his left forearm and 'The Kingsman' tatooed on his right. Though his face is lined and weathered it still doesn‘t betray his age, appearing to be in his early to mid forties. Wears his hair mid length, and has long ago stopped trying to tame it. Keeps his beard thick and it has began to turn grey at the edges. His nose has been broken in the past, and he has a scar across it’s bridge. His eyes are a deep brown, though their colour seems to fluctuate with his emotional state. Red is a shirt and jeans man to his core. Designer labels are just a ploy to part the stupid from their money in his opinion. All in all Red looks like he’d be more at home raiding Britain with a party of Vikings, or swinging an axe in the Roman coliseum than living in the twenty-first century. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]H-CLASS;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Mars[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]ABILITIES;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Red's body has the ability to convert physical pain into theoretically limitless super-strength, speed, durability and regeneration. (I know it sounds like a game breaking concept, but let me try to explain myself!) Red's resting rate, the level of strength he has before suffering any pain, is no more than the average for a boy of his size and weight who regularly engages in physical exercise. After that his powers will increase relative to the trauma he suffers. For example if he accidentally stubs his toe then the gain would only be slight, however if he was to be punched in the face by a champion boxer then his gain would be greater. This doesn't mean he does the most painful things to get stronger faster though, as at his resting rate he is no more durable than anyone else. If he was to be hit by a tank shell at resting then he would be blown apart just like anyone else. How ever, theoretically he could build his powers up to be able to withstand a tank shell. His strength, speed and durability is fuelled by the energy his body builds while receiving pain. This means that although he gets more powerful, his time with that power is finite, having only until he has burned through his stored energy before returning to his resting rate. The harder he hits, the faster he moves, the more punches he takes, this all uses precious energy. A downside to his increase in durability is that eventually things that powered him before will stop hurting, failing to give him any more power. To go back to the previous example, if the boxer was to punch him once then his increase would be great. The second time the boxer punches him then the increase wouldn't be as great, as Red’s durability would have increase, negating the boxer's ability to hurt him. If the boxer continued to hit him eventually his strikes would have no effect whatsoever, except to hurt the boxers fist. This means if Red wants to build himself to zenith level power then he has to constantly find more threatening foes. Red’s resting rate regeneration is actually higher than normal -Surface cuts and the like will heal over in the space of seconds- it has similar setbacks to his durability. Although having the ability to heal is useful to someone who routinely goes out of his way to get hurt it also means that the harder his body is working to offset the pain he's receiving then the less return he's seeing for it. Red’s pain tolerance is astronomically high, likely a secondary effect of his powers. Even at his resting he can take hits that would knock other men out and still keep on fighting. However he can still be 'overloaded' and knocked out. Too much trauma and his nervous system will shut its self down, a defence measure that even his superhuman body can't resist. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]LIMITATIONS;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]His prime limitation at the moment is his health, as he has become infected with the virus ravaging the Hype population of Toronto. On top of the sneezing, headaches and shakes his powers are performing extremely erratically. Sometimes they aren't even working at all. Red is especially affected by it as he has never been sick before, and as such makes a very poor patient. He refuses to rest, exasperating his condition. The term 'Papa Wolf' could have been created to describe Red. His daughter is the only thing he feels he has contributed to the world that is worth wile, and woe betide any man who wrongs her, as they would then have to face the wrath of Red. Common sense takes a back seat when Lisa's involved. This 'paternal protectiveness' also extends to most young women to a lesser extent, especially those that Red feels are in a position of vulnerability. Red has a pretty shady past. One that he feels leaves him on the wrong side of the just and the wicked. Like or not he's got a hell of a debt to repay, even if it gets him killed. Red will go out of his way to help those he views as 'innocent' (Admittedly that's a pretty small margin thanks to his jaded world view), especially other Hypes, who he feels he has wronged in the past. While he's willing to admit that he's far from the sharpest knife in the torture kit he does have a stubborn streak. When he sets his mind to something it'll take a powerful good reason to sway him from his course. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]WEAKNESSES;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The obvious weakness of Red's powers is that he has to get hurt for them to work. Despite having an abnormally high pain tolerance Red is just like everybody else, he bloody hates getting hurt. He'd much rather finish a fight utilising his military training and combat skills without having to resort to his Hype 'gifts'. He must be careful not to be overconfident in his strength or durability levels. Taking a bullet to the head when he is at 'resting' rate will kill him as surely as it would anyone else. A downside to his increase in durability is that eventually things that powered him before will stop hurting, failing to give him any more power. To go back to the previous example, if the boxer was to punch him once then his increase would be great. The second time the boxer punches him then the increase wouldn't be as great, as Red’s durability would have increase, negating the boxer's ability to hurt him. If the boxer continued to hit him eventually his strikes would have no effect whatsoever, except to hurt the boxers fist. This means if Red wants to build himself to zenith level power then he has to constantly find more threatening foes. Although having the ability to heal is useful to someone who routinely goes out of his way to get hurt it also means that the harder his body is working to offset the pain he's receiving then the less return he's seeing for it. Red's power is only activated by physical pain, so spiritual, mental or emotional pain will NOT give him any increase. His nervous system can be overloaded much like anyone else’s. Electrical attacks will lock his muscles, intense burns will knock him out, gases and poisons at resting rate will have near full effect. (His healing factor will help him deal with the toxins more effectively) [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]APPLICATIONS;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Nearly every application of Red's powers are related to his combat efficiency. Strength to hit harder, durability to soak up the blows, regeneration to recover more quickly from injuries, speed to overwhelm his foes. He can use his strength enhanced legs to leap extremely high when he has sufficient energy, meaning he can traverse the city's skyline more efficiently. This goes well with his super speed, meaning he can make it from A to B in record time. This only applies when he has energy to spare. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]SKILLS;[/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=darkred][u][b]Combat Skills[/b][/u][/color] [indent]Years of military training and fighting in the trenches have honed Red's talent for fighting to a razor edge. He trained with the first recon marines, reaching the rank of Gunnery sergeant. It goes without saying that you don't make the rank without learning a thing or two first. He proved himself especially efficient in close-quarters combat.[/indent] [color=darkred][u][b]Leadership[/b][/u][/color] [indent]Proved himself an able leader for small unit tactics.[/indent] [color=darkred][u][b]Covert Ops training[/b][/u][/color] [indent]The last several years he has been hiring his services out to the highest bidder. While he is far to discrete to discuss the details of these operations, lets just say the skills he has learnt through them leave something to be desired.[/indent] [color=darkred][u][b]Devoted father[/b][/u][/color] [indent]Just ask Lisa. He'd do anything for his daughter. Anything.[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]Handicapable[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Red, while by no means a professional contractor, knows enough about construction, engineering, electronics and plumbing to be considered a 'handyman'.[/indent] [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]EQUIPMENT;[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Red usually keeps his cell phone, wallet and lighter on him at all times. (Lighter, no cigs. Lisa's forcing him to quit.) Lately he's been carting around packets of gum as well, if only because the chewing is helping him quit the ol' death sticks. [/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u][/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]SAMPLE POST[/u][/b][/color] [indent][COLOR=dARKRED][B][H3]"AAAAAA-CHOOO!"[/H3][/B][/COLOR] "Damn man, I'm trying to watch this. Can't you die in peace?" [COLOR=dARKRED]"Sorry [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_yqfw_1by0wY/TJLGzS3SN-I/AAAAAAAAABY/YUFlxikgLNA/s320/chow1.jpg]Nicky[/url]. Forgetting my health plays second fiddle to that weird-ass video."[/color] [b]"GODDAMN RED![/B] I missed the end there cause'a your yammering! Whadda he say? Sounded like mental Mary. Couldn't have been mental Mary. . . . Could it? D' you know any mental Mary's, Red?" [COLOR=dARKRED]"Toronto has a population of over two and a half million people. No, I'm fairly confident that I don't know the mental Mary [i]you[/i] think he was talking about, almost as confident as I am that he didn't say mental Mary in the first place."[/color] "Well then what did he say?" [COLOR=dARKRED]"Hell if I know. I was too busy dying all unpeaceful like at the time to be paying much attention."[/color] "Man, I don't know why I put up with you. Everything I've done for you, Get you a good job, and this is the thanks I get. Shoulda left your ass to die back in Iraq." [COLOR=dARKRED]"Life woulda got boring for you. Better I'm here. Keep you on your toes."[/color] "Uh-huh." The two men lapsed into an easy silence then, Nicky perusing the menus laid out in front of them while Red gazed out the windows, looking at everything and nothing, just watching the world roll by. Funny how he did that more and more the older he got, like the less years he had left the more inclined he was to waste them. They were sitting in a diner booth, part of the morning crowd in the [i]Stackhouse[/i], and despite Nicky's earlier complaints thoughts of mysterious warnings and foggy premonitions was really the furthest thing from the two men's minds. Breakfast first, then they could worry about the world ending. That was their rule. Had been ever since they'd served in the 1st recon together. Red was really more concerned about his failing health than anything else. His cold had been getting worse, and earlier this morning he had woken up with one special-hell of a headache. It had receded since, but the memory of it still made him wince. He'd never been sick before, always reckoned his hype-power kept him hale and healthy. Couldn't say he was all that fond of the feeling now. He just hoped it wasn't this new virus he kept seeing reports about. Nasty bit of business that, not something he wanted any part of. Especially not since his daughter Lisa was supposed to come up visiting at the end of the month. Not exactly father of the year material that, is it, giving your only child the flu. Nah, he kept telling himself, its nothing. Nothing but age. The years are weighing down on you Red, even you couldn't have fought them off forever. "What you planning Red?" Said Nicky, rousing Red from his worries. He'd almost forgotten where he was. [color=Darkred]"Huh?"[/color] "To eat! Planning to eat, fat head. Damn son, where are you this morning?" [color=Darkred]"Not sure. Maybe just wishing I was anywhere with better company than you. Berlin 1945 maybe.[/color] Red has an entire arsenal of such cutting remarks for situations like this. Unfortunately the company he usually keeps requires it. "Oh ha-ha. So what's it gonna be, huh? On me, since you got the round last night." [color=Darkred]"Guess I'll just have the wheat toast and oats. Do they do oats? If not I'll have a fruit salad"[/color] Nicky's face fell in outrage. Red prepared himself for the fallout. "Wheat toast! Oats! A Goddamn fruit salad!? What the hell's wrong with you, you finally gone off the deep end? That's no breakfast! That's the pigging side order to a menopause! You used to be a warrior, man! I'm getting you bacon!" [color=darkred]"No Nicky, just get me the toast."[/color] Red was trying for firm and resolute here, but Nicky wasn't taking him on. Once Nicky set his heart on something it was a damn near herculean task to dissuade him. Red just didn't feel up to the task this morning. He blamed his health and his age for that. Old and sick, he couldn't say he was a big fan of either. "You're obviously delirious from malnutrition. Good thing I found out as early as I did. Imagine the damage you could have done yourself if I hadn't found out at this early stage! Especially at your age! But if you must insist then I'll get a second opinion." Nicky turned from the conversation then and caught the eye of the serving girl. She was tall for a women, probably in her mid twenties, and gave off a very strong [i]'Don't fuck with me, or it wont end well for you vibe'[/i]. She really didn't seem like she should have been working in a place like this. Nicky waved her over. "Miss, miss. Would you mind giving us a second opinion?"[/indent] [color=DarkRed][b][u]NOTES[/u][/b][/color] [indent][LIST] [*]Red insists that Elvis Presley is the greatest musician to have ever lived, and maintains that he will fight any man who says different. [*]He's done some pretty dark deeds in his time, a lot of them committed while working for the Constantine Guard. Nightmares plague his sleep almost as soon as his head hits the pillow. [*]He's recently given up smoking, on the insistence of Lisa. He's gone cold turkey, save for chewing on regular spearmint gum, and is all the crankier for it. [*]Water. No joke.[/LIST][/indent] [/indent]