It was about seven o'clock in the evening in Little Innsmouth, and many of the Dagonians were rushing from work to get home to their families. Gale, though not a Dagonian, was rushing home to Ash simply because she hated crowds and public places. "Excuse me," she would whisper before realizing that the people were certainly not going to move and squeezing through the tightly-packed crowd, occasionally bumping into others. "I can't hear properly in this crowd," she thought silently, trying to put her small hands over her gargantuan bat ears before her thoughts grew more panicked and irritated. "When I can't hear, I can't tell where I am, and when I can't tell where I am, I'm mad." She stopped thinking completely for a second and ceased all activity to try and figure out what exactly she was feeling. Telling what exact emotion she had at a particular moment in time was always a task. "Am I mad? I can't tell," she whispered harshly, keeping her head down as she continued to blindly shuffle through the influx of Dagonians. After stopping to wait for some kids on bikes to pass by, she slowly nodded, "Yes, I'm definitely mad." After finding herself a good ways away from the crowd, Gale closed her eyes and focused on the sounds of her environment. She wouldn't use echolocation, it'd be too loud. In fact, maybe it'd be too loud at this time of day, even for her standards. As the wind blew in whilst she walked in a northern direction and her bandana nearly flew off her eyes, she quickly clasped it between two of her fingers before it exposed her eyes and tightened the knot. The anger had finally dissipated into simple irritation, but the irritation would not stay long. Typically, when she came home to Ash, she was happy and relaxed around her. It's like sitting in the middle of a field of flowers, but maybe that was because her Gigan roommate always smelled like flowers when she came home. Lost in her thoughts, Gale found herself falling after tripping on the curb of the apartment complex. Her small wings immediately unfolded and caught some of the wind beneath them to slow her fall, allowing her to simply stick her hands out before her face hit the ground. It was always a hassle finding her way home without Ash. Her ability to create a mental map of her surroundings was accurate, but not precise regarding little details. Like curbs. Gale found herself on her knees, feeling around for steps or curbs so that she didn't trip again. Whenever little accidents like that happened, she felt as if everyone was looking at her, but that was just her insecurity. No one minded. Gale was a notorious feral within Little Innsmouth for all the wrong reasons, so not many dared think such of her nor tried to help her. That was fine with her. All she had now was Ash, and when she's not around, Gale's perfectly fine fending for herself. She finally found the steps to the second level of the apartment complex and carefully ventured up them before taking a right, starting down for the door marked 267. "Perfectly fine," she thought bitterly.