This was not the most unusual thing to happen to Kimaris in all his existence, but it was somewhat noteworthy in terms of events within the day. A long time ago, this might have surprised Kimaris. Now it was 'normal'. The demon approached the child at a steady pace, staring down at their small and yellow-clad form sceptically. His lethargic stare went straight into a dangerous glare, hands remaining in his pocket. "You have something for me, 'child'?" He knew better than to think this thing was really a child. No, children did not appear from where there was nothing prior. They were rarely so quiet of light footed that he could not identify them from a mile away. Someone else was at work here, and they wanted Kimaris' attention. One of his colleagues perhaps? No, no. They would be more direct and go through his attendant, there is no need for this level of odd theatrics or secrecy with him. Even stranger though, who would want anything to do with him outside of his colleagues? Darn strange. Either way he had little to fear from whoever sent this child, or the child its self. He was Kimaris after all, and anyone with a memory long enough to remember the forming of the New Society knew that attacking Kimaris was like running head first into a truck- Not wise at all. Reaching a hand out of his pocket, he snatched the letter from the suspicious little thing's hands, peering it over.