[hider= Empyrean, the Human Spirit][img]http://i.imgur.com/iefh8io.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Real Name: [/b]Lukas Holt [b]Superhero Alias:[/b] Empyrean [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Power Set:[/b][list] [*][b]Eternal Reincarnation:[/b] A designation and title prior to its adoption as a superhero/villain name in recent years, Holt is far from being the first Empyrean - a good couple of hundred thousand years too late for that. It is unknown what the Empyrean is exactly, other than that it may have some place within a greater cosmological hierarchy, but it either links individual humans and their memories/experiences to another individual humans, or it is these individual humans. Each new Empyrean adds to the memories and experiences of the collective Empyrean, accessible to the next one born after the prior Empyrean's death. [*][b]Eidetic Memory:[/b] Each Empyrean has perfect recollection of their own experiences in order for their memories to be added to the 'collective' without flaw. Holt is no different, and is seemingly unable to forget things. While this would eventually cause confusion and distress for most past a certain age, Empyrean's have long since been able to parse and organize these thoughts to the extent of willingly 'deleting' some. Their perfect memory does not always include retaining any glimpses of their past-selves, and may forget things they learn from them. [*][b]Past-Self Recollection:[/b] On top of their own perfect memories, the Empyrean of the time has the chance of being able to recollect the memories and experiences of their past selves. This is an unreliable ability at best, seemingly happening at random most of the time with each recollection pertaining to the situation the Empyrean finds himself in, and an increased chance of it occurring in stressful situations. While any experience gained from this is not permanent (example: Lukas may suddenly have the experience of a Spartan soldier but quickly lose the ability and skill of that soldier), however he will have the experience of having experienced having that ability and skill, so can work towards attaining it himself with relative ease. [*][b]Enhanced Physiology:[/b] Beyond his recollection of past lives, Lukas has no other superpowers to speak of. However, each Empyrean could be considered at the 'peak' of human conditioning and development (with the limitation being how conditioned and developed one can be at their age). From strength to speed, from healing to senses and processing, Lukas is an outstanding specimen of human biology. [*][b]Supernatural Invulnerability:[/b] Rather than invulnerability gained through supernatural means, Lukas is highly resistant to supernatural phenomena effecting him. Most notably telepathy and 'magic', or any combination of the two, are useless against him for the most part. A blast of purely arcane energy may take out a building, but the blast will do little more than beat him up a little - it will be the falling building that'll really hurt Lukas. However if say an alien had telepathy as part of their inherent nature as that species of alien, then they would be able to read Lukas' mind. Lukas is a magic-users worst nightmare. Why the Empyrean has this ability is unknown, but it may be an indicator to the true nature of the Empyrean. [/list] [b]Other Skills: [/b][list] [*][b]Multi-lingual:[/b] Lukas can speak English, Mandarin, Wu, Egyptian Dialect Arabic, Welsh, French, Hindi and some supposedly dead languages. While learning Welsh was of his own time and effort, the others were learned through direct transplanting from past-selves. While he cannot read any of the above languages (other than the dead ones, oddly enough), he is a competent speaker of them. [*][b]Martial Arts:[/b] One of Lukas' first encounters with his past selves was with the 'afterthought' of a man called Kei-ying. With the experience of Kei-ying, he quickly came to master Hung-Ga even after the exact details of Kei-ying faded. Since then he has branched out to learn more of his own accord, adding Boxing, Judo and Jujitsu under his belt of martial experience. [*][b]Amateur Historian:[/b] As is expected from one who has the memories of countless, outstanding humans somewhere in his soul, Lukas is rather fond of history and the contexts of those times. [*][b]People Reader:[/b] As part of his own experiences earlier in life, Lukas has become rather good at getting a 'read' on individuals and their feelings due to being a quick and convergent learner. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Physically, Lukas has no real 'weaknesses' so to speak. Nothing which would not harm the average human (not counting what is resisted by his invulnerability) is enough to harm him, such as a car crashing into him or a solid punch to the face, but that in its self is not so much a weakness as it is his state as being mostly-human. He is a jack-of-all-trades with no real area of physical weakness, but nothing superhumanly outstanding. [b]Personality:[/b] Growing up Lukas was never much of a joker. Even as a baby, he was considered oddly quiet and complaint free, often distracted by mirrors and staring blankly off into the distance in a strange manner. This trait never faded as he reached his pre-teens and beyond, a quiet, serious but harmless child. A good word for Lukas would be 'intense', being very driven and full-on when it comes to things like learning and training. He's not much of a Daredevil. [b]Backstory:[/b] [hider= Holt's Journal][u]Journal Entry 89[/u] "[i]Hello Journal. It has been a few weeks, I have been busy with issues at home. Mum and dad are not going through the best of times, and I'm not exactly feeling well either. I know I'm ill, I know the symptoms and effects of schizophrenia and I appear to be going through them to a bloody T. The visions have become more frequent, the man in the mirror is still there whenever I look. Kei-ying, he said his name was finally. He showed me some things, how to clear my mind with martial arts. Do you know what it's like to never see yourself in a mirror? Does anyone know what that's like? Vampires, maybe. But that means they were alive once. I'm going to tell my sister about this. She's older, she'll know what to do. [/i]" [u]Journal Entry 90[/u] [i]"Hello Journal. It has been a few months, things did not go as intended in the end. I am currently on section and undergoing medication for schizophrenia. I find myself being more and more tired each day, and my ability to feel has been numbed greatly due to this regimen. I am also putting on weight, apparently. How annoying. Amusingly enough, the visions - no, they are memories, still occur and someone else has taken Kei-ying's place in the mirror. I have yet to learn their name. To be honest, I feel like I might die here. Hopefully I can be let out soon." [/i] [u]Journal Entry 92[/u] [i]"Hello Journal. Won't believed what happened since my last entry. I am off section, and they have put into the care of a superhero of all people. Apparently I'm not crazy, but something called the 'Empyrean'. Each vision is the experience of a past life, imparting knowledge briefly most times, and permanently rarely. Explains why I can speak Arabic and Mandarin. She said that more explanation will follow in the coming days. Will update when I get the chance."[/i] [u]Journal Entry 93[/u] [i]"Hello Journal. A year is a bit longer than I intended, but that's just how things are sometimes. I'll be going to a school for people like me, people who have power. Before I go I have to find something. I experienced another memory, a few of them actually. It was disconcerting, very recent and very dark. Given what I remember, no more than thrity-twenty years ago. I intend to investigate what I saw."[/i] [u]Journal Entry 94[/u] [i]"Directly from Heropedia: 'Empyrean was a supervillain who opposed the hero community between the years of XX39 to XX85. Among Empyrean's extensive list of villainous acts is: The murder of several superheroes (including the superalien Firehawk and his team, the Frontliners), destruction of several notable cities, creation of a mutant subspecies of human, alliance and cooperation with cosmic entity Xarros the Eternal and forming the pan-global supervillain team 'the Infinity Committee' of which he chaired. Empyrean is not considered the most powerful villain of his time, but he was one of the most diverse and is considered one of the most intelligent still by the veterans of the hero community.' In short, it appears I am the reincarnation of the devil. I will investigate more."[/i] [u]Journal Entry 95[/u] [i]"Paragon was kind enough to take me to a place I remembered. It was Empyrean's...the one who came before me, his base. His actual one, the one they never found. Most of it was perfectly in tact, well preserved other than the thick layers of dust and the odd, mutated animals that had taken it as a home. There was not much for us there, but it was enlightening. It felt good to know that I was not him. However, I did feel an odd attraction to one of his costumes. With the hesitant approval of Paragon, I took it with me. It may be in bad taste to wear this, but it looks and feels right. When I become a superhero, I shall take the name Empyrean. I will not let one of my past selves taint the entire line." [/i][/hider] [b]Other:[/b] A lot of people still remember the previous Empyrean, especially a certain cosmic being.