[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7QcY5pX.gif[/img][h2][color=f7976a]Enna Marlies[/color][/h2][/center] [color=f7976a]“Great, I have to rely on [i]you[/i].”[/color] Despite her scathing words, Enna followed after him. Her chest heaved and her legs shook, but it was mostly from fright than exhaustion. And then, to make matters worse, she saw a looming silhouette by a building. Enna grabbed at Beefcakes arm and attempted to pull him back, but she mostly just fell over herself due to her lack of strength. [color=f7976a]“Beefcakes, wait here.”[/color] She whispered to him, pressing a single white finger to her pink lips and shhing lowly. Enna crept forward a little bit, pressed against a few buildings, and inched closer until she saw the outline of a Crucible leaning lazily against the shop of some sort, his gun resting easily in his arms. It was like her heart dropped to her stomach. Enna stood there in shock, not even bothering to hide anymore, as it suddenly became real. Krukow was going to be taken by the Crucible. There was no chance of fighting. All she could do was run, run and leave everything behind. Leave her parents behind. But she would have to. The Crucible solider shifted and jarred Enna from her fear-induced daze. Enna stumbled backwards, a sudden urge to get as far away from him as possible, but her foot collided with a can and accidentally kicked it. [color=8493ca][i]CLANK![/i][/color] Then she was off, because, undoubtedly, behind her was a Crucible solider chasing after her. Because, undoubtedly, Krukow was behind her now. There was just her. And Beefcakes. With that last thought, a disgruntled Enna shifted her running so she was running towards Beefcakes and not away from him. [color=f7976a]“Beefcakes, let’s go. [i]Now[/i].”[/color] She said once she was close enough, grabbing his wrist and running forward. [color=f7976a]“There’s a Crucible behind me, so we’re gonna haf’ta lose him. I suggest we run t’the woods. We know it like the back of our hands, he doesn’t.”[/color] Without waiting for his answer, she began running for the woods.