Cain swirled the ice in his empty glass around a bit as he idly listened to Snazzy and Marie chat. The sudden noise that the newcomer along with Jack had provided through their entrances was a bit unpleasant, but not enough to make him want to exit. The wendigo plucked a sprig of mint from his drink and popped it into his mouth, enjoying the strong taste of mint mingling with alcohol as he eyed Snazzy. "[b]You know-[/b]" he began before swallowing the mint, "[b]most of the bartenders i've met weren't particularly fond of every drink that they made. I think being around all of it desensitizes them to the point where they become really choosy about what they actually drink. I know, well, [i]knew[/i] this one guy who absolutely refused to serve strawberry daiquiris because of how much he hated 'em. He said it kept the air headed types out of the bar, but no body ever believed him.[/b]".