Djedkare smiled a toothy grin as he watched Avalai fuss with her luxuriant clothing. With no attempt at hiding his smugness, he chided Avalai for her dress sense. "Now [i]that's[/i] why I don't wear much. Y'get caught by a servant, an' you gotta spend a lotta good effort just makin' yourself all smooth again. The name's Djedkari Izezi, Eighth Pharoah of Egypt." Djedkare placed his fists on his hips and thrust out his chest, in a clear demonstration of bravado and clout. "Now, see, I know you're thinkin' to yourself 'what's this old fogey doin' here talkin' to me?' Well, missy, I got a hint of advice for you: Control yer servants. The second ya went off an' took yer concubines with ya, they went right to actin' like they were celebratin' the Festival of Thoth!" Djedkare winked knowingly. After all, [i]everyone[/i] understood the series of rituals necessary to awaken the great Father Thoth and flood the Great Nile River. "Judgin' by how you gave me that stink eye back there, I don't think you're one of them fun party girls. You gotta earn yer servants' respect, 'less they start actin' like foreigners behind yer back! You an' I are gonna have a little talk about [i]Motivating Your Employees[/i]." [@ReaptheMusic]