Huo walked out of her room, heading towards the large tree, planning to sit under it, maybe even nap. Huo had her mug of tea in one hand and a set of books under her other arm. As she approached the stairs leading to the first floor and outside, Huo's foot missed one of the steps, and she tumbled. Niu switched into control, flipping and landing on her feet at the foot of the stairs, catching the mug, without a large amount of tea spilling. Once she was at the foot of the stairs, Niu grabbed the books Huo had been carrying. She sighed. But it wasn't often that Niu was in charge and she wanted at least a bit of time out. So Niu did not relinquish her control yet. Instead she sat under the tree, drinking tea. Like always, Niu wasn't in the best mood. She was huffy, annoyed, and just plain mad. Combined with Huo's recent lack of sleep, it combined to a mean combination.