Kei was starting to get frustrated at the number of people who decided to disturb the scene at that very moment. She supposed it couldn't be helped since it was an apartment complex but this was her first bit of inspiration since she'd been here and it was slipping away just as quickly as it came. She had almost finished the basic outlines when she took another peek to refresh her memory. Unfortunately, Jin was nowhere to be found. Her muse had fluttered off like a butterfly in the wind. [i]Maybe he was embarrassed because I was staring at him?[/i] she thought. Looking down at what she had managed to do before he disappeared, she had actually managed to jot down enough that she could finish the rest on her own. Satisfied with the result after all she turned to go back inside but just then heard Jin call her from very close by. [b]"Miss Aramaki?"[/b] Her surprise was audible as she let out a small gasp. Jin just looked at her with a slight smile. [b]"I'd like a copy of that painting when you're finished if you don't mind."[/b] All she could do was nod her head as he then went about his business. Did she imagine it or did he just teleport across the courtyard? Regardless, she may as well give him a copy once she's finished.