[u][b]Alyx Alkaev[/b][/u] The sky had been hidden all day by dark, ominous looking rain clouds, and thunder could be heard nearby. "We're going to have to move on soon," Alyx Alkaev murmured to herself, looking at the sky, as if the clouds were her own personal enemy. The group had been forced to move from the shelter they had previously occupied, which was a fairly large abandoned building, to a remote area in the woods. The building didn't have any power or water, but it was safe from unpleasant weather. When the officers found them they were forced to evacuate. Fortunately they managed to escape with no one getting hurt or arrested. They had set up camp in a clearing, which was close to a small lake. They were surrounded by woods on every side, and Alyx hoped they would be safe for at least a few days. There were benefits to being in the woods; there were animals to hunt, and the officers would have a harder time finding them. However, the tents they had managed to steal wouldn't protect them from a bad storm, and if there were any immediate danger it would be hard to pack up quick. They could end up losing a lot of supplies. Alyx went around almost everyday to make sure everything was organized, so that wouldn't happen. With the approaching storm Alyx was taking extra care to get all of their important supplies where they would be safest. "Josh!" she called, crossing the clearing to where Josh Cardenas was sitting on a large stone, watching the lake. "What?" he asked. He was clearly zoned out. "Have you made sure our medical stuff will be safe if it rains?" Josh fixed his dark eyes on her. "It's as safe as it's going to be, at least the few supplies we have," he replied, then added, "We can't stay here much longer. It's nice but we're going to run out of important supplies pretty soon." "I know. Thanks." Alyx went back to checking supplies, which was just a distraction at this point.